Run as user NOT ROOT!
# Before this you need base-devel installed
git clone
cd yay-bin
makepkg -si
yay -S hyprland-bin polkit-gnome ffmpeg neovim viewnior \
rofi pavucontrol thunar starship wl-clipboard wf-recorder \
swaybg grimblast-git ffmpegthumbnailer tumbler playerctl \
noise-suppression-for-voice thunar-archive-plugin kitty \
waybar-hyprland wlogout swaylock-effects sddm-git pamixer \
nwg-look-bin nordic-theme papirus-icon-theme dunst \
ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols-common otf-firamono-nerd
- Recommend archinstall with Sway as desktop for base
- SDDM-GIT is required or you will run into shutdown bugs and delays
- SDDM needs to be configured for autologin (recommend using swaylock on start of script for security)
- Replace xdg-desktop-portal-wlr with xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland-git
- Hyprland is still in beta (0.2) as of the creation of these dot files
- Sometimes my RX5700XT goes to sleep and requires a reload, because it is stuck on black screen.
- Help Popup with Hotkey
- Wayland guide for nwg-look, wlr-randr, etc.
- Synergy Workaround - Looking at waynergy or just using KVM
- Gamescope Addition - Adding more parity with Steamdeck features
- More Customizations for Waybar - Battery, Backlight, etc.
- Auto-configuration - Long term goal
- Official Hyprland Github
- Linux Mobiles Hyprland dot files