PLUTO is a neovim configuration that I made as a companion to be used alongside my NixOS configuration NEBULA.
It is written with user experience in mind and aims to have a smooth workflow with sane defaults.
- sorry, still WIP :3
PLUTO can be installed as a package by adding it as an input in your flake:
inputs = {
# ...
pluto = {
url = "github:kinzokudev/pluto";
And then import the package in your configuration:
home.packages = [
If you're interested in a way to install PLUTO using a module for customization, I will be working on that sometime in the near future. Let me know if you have any suggestions! My Discord DMs are open (my username is on my website).
Any support is appreciated and contributions are welcome. You can open an issue or submit a pull request.
Ardishco, my friend who helped me with some parts of the configuration.
Nikita, another good friend who also helped with some config stuff. I also stole most of this README from his Lumi configuration repo.
raf, a man who may or may not be a shelf. Thank you for making this epic Neovim configuration framework.