A Software Engineering and Telematics Engineering student at Universidad Icesi, Colombia, with a strong inclination to venture beyond my cognitive boundaries.
I have a strong foundation in networking, communication protocols, and distributed systems, with a particular interest in cloud infrastructure and automation. |
In software development, I have built a versatile profile with strong fundamentals in architectural and detailed design. My core strength is Java. I have worked with the following technologies: |
⚽ Sports & Hobbies
I have a passion for tennis and video games, especially Rocket League and Assassin’s Creed. I also enjoy hiking, and I currently have two Bull Terriers. Recently, I started exploring a new sport: Ultimate Frisbee.
💼 Career Aspirations
I aspire to work in a company where I can apply both of my skill sets—one focused on web development and the other on infrastructure and networking.
🚀 Community & Learning
Currently, I am part of the Makers Code Fellowship team, where I continue growing my skills and collaborating with like-minded professionals.
🔭 I’m currently working on a flutter personal project.
👯 I’m learning cloud patterns.
🤝 I’m looking for help with incorporating DevOps best practices into a Microservices project
📫 How to reach me curaca492@gmail.com