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Optimize and resize images in S3 on the fly (Crop and Thumbnail)

This is a service which generates thumbnails for S3 images in real time. It is a Node JS server, which fetches a source image from a S3 server, reads resize options from the URL, generate thumbnail and returns to a client.

The service is ready to be launched with Docker. Under the hood, it uses Imagick as a resize engine.

Resize options

http://localhost:3000/thumb/<local path on the S3>?mode=scale&max-size=500 - generates a thumbnail with max size 500px.

Query params:

mode=scale (required) - Mode. Currently, it supports only one mode - scale.

max-size=N (required) - Where N is a maximum size (INT). The size is calculated by the greatest value of width or height. E.g. if the width is greater than the height - the width will be used for the size calculation.

q=low|normal|high - Quality. Different formats support different quality modes. If a format doesn't support a quality parameter - the normal value will be used (so you can pass it regardless of format).

ratio=1-1|2-3|3-2|4-5|5-4|3-4|4-3|16-9|9-16 - Aspect ratio. An image will be cropped if necessary. If you want you can specify pad (see below) to use a pad resizer strategy.

pad=1 - if the ratio is specified you can add the pad - in this case an image is scaled down to fit in a shape. Empty spaces are filled with bg color (white by default).

bg=hex - background color (If the pad strategy is used.) - HEX code - 6 symbols, e.g.: ffffff

grayscale=1 - Makes an image grayscale.

blur=N, - Blur. N is in the range of 0-15, where 15 gets the maximum blurred effect.

How to run with the Docker?

  1. Copy .env.example to .env
  2. Fill S3 credentials and uncomment RUNTIME_PATH
  3. docker compose --env-file .env -f ./.docker/compose.yml up --scale node=2 -d - it runs service on 8080 port.
  4. To update: docker compose --env-file .env -f ./.docker/compose.yml build - builds images, then run: docker compose --env-file .env -f ./.docker/compose.yml up --scale node=2 -d
  5. To down: docker compose --env-file .env -f ./.docker/compose.yml down

How to start locally?

  1. Copy .env.example to .env
  2. Fill S3 credentials.
  3. Specify paths to Imagick: IM_CONVERT and IM_IDENTIFY. You might also need to adjust PORT.
  4. Change NODE_ENV=development
  5. Install dependencies: yarn install
  6. yarn dev

How to clear cache folder?

You might need to clear cache folder:

node ./build/scripts/clearCache.ts --delay=<N minutes>

Or ts version: npx ts-node ./src/scripts/clearCache.ts --delay=<delay> - API’s First Headless E-commerce CMS: We Provide An Admin-Side For Store Management, Powerful API, And Ready-To-Use Checkout Area.

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