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Distributed DP-Helmet: Scalable Differentially Private Non-interactive Averaging of Single Layers

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Distributed DPHelmet

This archive contains code to reproduce DP-SVM-SGD and DP-Softmax-SLP-SGD of the Distributed DP-Helmet: Scalable Differentially Private Non-interactive Averaging of Single Layers paper.

The main code is in

We also provide code for



  • Python 3.x.
  • Tensorflow 2.x.

Supported Datasets

  • CIFAR-10: run which outputs code_space_cifar10.npy and labels_cifar10.npy
  • CIFAR-100: run with DATASET_NAME = cifar100 which outputs code_space_cifar100.npy and labels_cifar100.npy
  • federated EMNIST: run which outputs code_space_federated_emnist.npy, labels_federated_emnist.npy, and userid_federated_emnist.npy

Use the DATASET variable to switch between these datasets while running distributed DP-SVM-SGD or DP-Softmax-SLP-SGD.


Both DP-SVM-SGD and DP-Softmax-SLP-SGD, generate a file tests_dphelmet_<datetime>.csv listing all experiment results, i.e. the hyperparameters, the accuracies, and the f1-scores (macro) after noise. For generating some experimental figures of the paper for the DPHelmet variant only, refer to Note that the visualization part requires adaption dependent on the used experiment configuration.

Note that the $(\varepsilon,\delta)$ output in tests_dphelmet_<datetime>.csv are only estimates. For exact bounds, run Make sure to specify the EPS_TARGET constant with the value of interest in the dp_eps column in the CSV file. You can also modify current $\delta = 10^{-5}$ with the DELTA_TARGET constant.

Resources / Runtimes

Expect this algorithm to take some time. In addition to the CIFAR-10 dataset (~162MB), CIFAR-100 dataset, or federated EMNIST dataset, it has to download about 3.3GB for the pre-trained model. The speed of extracting the embeddings depends on your GPU resources and takes about an hour with good resources. Try lowering the batch size if too much GPU-RAM is consumed.

Running the cross-validation search of distributed DP-Helmet requires some additional CPU-only resources which depend on the number of hyperparameters, the number of epochs, and the number of runs. It is highly recommended to parallelize by changing the N_PROCESSES to your liking.

The last part of the cross-validation search (where the noise is added) additionally consumes a few hours depending on the number of parameters. This part is not parallelized.

Reconstructing Related Work (DP-FL)

For DP-FL, we are gracious and assume a noise overhead of only $\sqrt{w}$ for $w$ users, as we are not aware of any techniques (short of MPC) that achieve less than $\sqrt{w}$ noise overhead.

We did not automate the DP-FL code. We only use standard tools, though. Here are the steps that are needed to reconstruct the DP-FL results.

  1. Extract the embeddings as detailed in Supported Datasets

  2. Install opacus v0.15.0 (e.g. via pip3 install opacus==0.15.0)

  3. Run our DP-FL code (modify the sigma-hyperparameter for different privacy budgets). Results are saved at run_results_***.npy.

  4. Find a better privacy budget by running the provided privacy bucket program.

     cd privacybuckets
     git submodule update --init --recursive
     cd -


      title = Distributed DP-Helmet: Scalable Differentially Private Non-interactive Averaging of Single Layers,
      author = Moritz Kirschte and Sebastian Meiser and Saman Ardalan and Esfandiar Mohammadi,
      year = 2024,
      eprint = 2211.02003,
      archivePrefix = arXiv,
      primaryClass = cs.CR