- Build Status:
- Old project when I was learning programming, C# code doesn't follow standards I would use nowadays (Very bloated, too many functions, partial classes, etc)
- Recreated the FF8 minigame for a project I'm working on.
- Used images and music that was either ripped from games, or publicly available to download on the internet. I don't claim any of the graphics or music is mine.
- Build with github workflows
- Cloud infra with terraform for hosting
- Hosted on https://tripletriad.supergoon.com, instead of the simmer hosted.
- Updated Unity to 2022.3.10
- Bugfixes
- Just like the ff8 minigame Triple Triad, you flip cards by having a higher card value on the side the opposing card is on. Player who has most cards flipped to their color when the board is full wins.