React Js
React Hooks {useEffect/useContext Api} / Routing
Using Authentication by Firebase.
A Live Box is an online chat based application used to connects everyone on a single platform, which will basically have the features of
login, signup, create new chat, search users, live user interaction, send images etc.
1-Login page by using firebase/auth.
2-We can create the user by using signup page.
3-Fully working functionalty for search users and chats.
4-Can send the messages,images or any file.
5-Amazing user interface and awsome public interface .
6-Handle errors and success alerts and show appropriate Alert/Notification.
## In this section, we followed the following steps:
1 - We created a file in the utils folder for storing constants and URLs that
will be required when we will fetch the data.
2 - Then we implemented the custom fetch function for fetching data
from the APIs. It has 2 parameters body and customConfig.
3 - Here we used the try and catch method so that the app doesn’t crash
when an error is encountered.
4 - We have used async-await syntax here with fetch.
5 - An async function starts a request and returns a promise. When
the request completes, the promise is resolved with the
Response object. If the request fails, the promise is rejected.
6 - The await keyword causes the JavaScript runtime to pause your
code on this line, not allowing further code to execute in the
meantime until the async function call has returned its result —
very useful if subsequent code relies on that result! Therefore,
the await keyword is used before the fetch function.
7 - Since the body is an object and an object can’t be passed in fetch
function. So, if it is present it is first converted into a string and then
passed through the fetch function.
8 - The response received from the firebase.
9 - For styling, we used CSS modules in which class names are scoped
locally for avoiding naming conflicts.
## Authorization:
This is the most important scenario where firebase/auth is
used. It helps to persist the user and once the user is logged in, the onAuthStateChanged
request will include all the resources, accesses that are permitted to
the user.
1-Forked the github repository and run the project on their on deploying it.
2-Download the project on you local computer and unzip the file.
3-Then download all the dependencies by using "npm install".
4-Start the project by using "npm start".