This is the source code for the paper:
- Title: EnsembleSTDP: Distributed in-situ Spike Timing Dependent Plasticity Learning in Spiking Neural Networks. [PDF]
- Authors: Hanyu Yuga and Khanh N. Dang
- Venue: 2024 IEEE 17th International Symposium on Embedded Multicore/Many-core Systems-on-Chip (MCSoC), Dec. 16-19, 2024.
- URL:
Python <3.11,>=3.8.1
Below are the steps to set up the environment for this package.
git clone
- Change the directory to the top level of EnsembleSTDP
- Clone the BindsNet repository
git clone
- Change the directory to the top level of BindsNet
- Make bindsnet editable
pip install -e .
- Go back to the top level of EnsembleSTDP
- Move the modified to the BindsNet library
mv bindsnet/bindsnet/models/
Here is how to perform basic operations in ensemble learning
An SNN sub-model is defined by the following attributes:
- model_number
- n_neurons (number of excitatory neurons)
- starting index of training images
- ending index of training images
For example, to train a sub-model 1 that has 100 neurons and trained from 0 to 6000 images, run:
python --model_number 1 --n_neurons 100 --start_image 0 --end_image 6000
After the training, the sub-model’s classification accuracy can be tested by replacing "train" with "test" in the above command
python --model_number 1 --n_neurons 100 --start_image 0 --end_image 6000
To merge and compress the trained sub-models, the number of compressions and similarity measurements need to be specified. Before running the command below, make sure all the sub-model files to be merged (model_.pth, assignments_.pth, and proportions_*.pth for each model) are in the models_to_merge folder. The example of the command to merge sub-models using MSE and compress 100 neurons:
python3 --method mse --n_compression 100
- Mean Squared Error (MSE) -> --method mse
- Manhattan Distance -> --method manhattan
- Cosine Similarity -> --method cos
- Correlation Coefficient -> --method corr
To visualize the trained weights of a sub-model, run the following command. The example of visualizing sub-model 1 with 100 neurons, trained from 0 to 6000 images
python --model_number 1 --n_neurons 100 --start_image 0 --end_image 6000
The receptive field will be saved as receptive_field_model_1_100_neurons_0_to_6000.png
*note that models trained on GPU cannot be plotted on CPU, or vice versa
There is a supplemental shell script to run the training, testing, and merging on a series of command line arguments. For example, to train the following 5 sub-models at once,
- model_1_100_neurons_0_to_6000 (model 1 with 100 neurons trained from 0 to 6000 images)
- model_2_100_neurons_6000_to_12000
- model_3_100_neurons_12000_to_18000
- model_4_100_neurons_18000_to_24000
- model_5_100_neurons_24000_to_30000
first, set the parameters as follows in input.txt
1 0 6000
2 6000 12000
3 12000 18000
4 18000 24000
5 24000 30000
Make sure to add a new line after the final arguments
then edit
# Run program for each set of arguments in the input file
while read -r model_number start_image end_image ; do
python --model_number "$model_number" --start_image "$start_image" --end_image "$end_iamge" --n_neurons 100 >> "$output_file"
done < "$input_file"
Finally, run
Khanh N. Dang: