Spike-MCryptCores: A light-weight neuromorphic controlling clock-gating-based multi-core cryptography platform
Source code for the paper: Pham-Khoi Dong, Khanh N. Dang, Duy-Anh Nguyen, Xuan-Tu Tran, *''A light-weight neuromorphic controlling clockgating based multi-core cryptography platform'', Microprocessors and Microsystems (accepted), 2024. [PDF]
The project can be run on Google Collab. For local Python environments, following are the dependencies
- spikingjelly
- gdown (can be replaced by a local copy of the dataset)
- onnxruntime
- numpy
- panda
- pytorch
- matplotlib
The source code only works with Python 3.7, therefore, we will use conda to manage. Please install miniconda from https://conda.io/.
Then, let's create a virtual environment
conda create --name py37 python=3.7
Then, let's activate the new virtual environment.
conda activate py37
Please check the version of Python with
python3 --version
After confirming it, please install the following packages:
pip3 install spikingjelly==
pip3 install gdown
pip3 install onnxruntime
pip3 install pandas
pip3 install protobuf==3.17.3
To download the latest files of data:
gdown --id 19GNGsv7x25WfQcOtWTmOOpDHK9fVQNNf&usp=drive_fs
gdown --id 19B2aNLO9IxIR4jqXERF4VEKN4OslC352&usp=drive_fs
gdown --id 1hJ_vMbVLauuS5i_sriJ8OXRbK1LZ8uc4
We also provide copies in this repo (data_training.csv, output.csv, and data_testing-Full-random.csv).
To run the training and testing
python3 main.py
If you have any questions, please contact
- Khanh N. Dang (khanh [at] u-aizu.ac.jp)