Module 11
Create a table to organize UFO data that is stored as a JavaScript array, or list.
Table will have the ability to filter data based on certain criteria and will be created using JavaScript as the primary coding language. Apply your HTML and Bootstrap skills
1- Using the UFO dataset in the form of an array of JavaScript objects, written a code that appends a table to the web page and then adds new rows of data for each UFO sighting.
- Poupulated with main information such as City, State, Country, Shape, Duration and Comment.
2- Created a basic HTML web page
- So that I can showcase the information and make it useful for other users.
3- Used a date form in HTML document and written JavaScript code that will listen for events and search through the date/time column to find rows that match user input.
- Filters enable to search information
- One drawback of this webpage is that there is a lot of manual work. In addition the filters may not work properly on upper case. Two additional recommendations for further development are as below:
1- Can proivde interesting visual information like graphs and maps for the density of UFOs appearing.
2- Can make filter navigation easier.