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Currently in dev

Fmk for spa application.

What's inside

See our wiki See our documentation

How to build the lib

The build system is made with gulp which is a node base build system. npm install -g gulp Then you have to launch the following command: npm run build which generates two outputs: one for the browser, one for node js (expecially for unit tests purpose).


The browser build is inside the dist/browser/fmk.js

Node js

Focus is publish under the name focusjs on npm.

Unit tests

All unit tests are written with mocha, and can be launched using the npm run test command. It uses mocha.

How to use the fmk.js file

You have to configure the build.json file which is at the root directory in order to copy the fmk.js dile into your vendor directory insode your application. Then in your project, brunch should use it automatically. Tip: Remember in order to launch brunch: brunch w in the directory of your SPA project. You can look at the focus-starter-kit project to have an example application using this fmk.


