A modern port of the python prettytable package for creating nice tables with text characters.
This project uses prettytable as an inspiration and re-uses minor code snippets. As these snippets might not always be designated as such, I hereby refer to the prettytables license (3-Clause BSD).
fancytables is only aiming at compatibility of Python 3.* , all 2.* users can use prettytables. Switch already!
Any contributions are welcome!
Planned features:
- Intuitive and robust API: Improve on the API of prettytable but keep the good parts. This might include easy&quick vs. custom&complex API splits, not so sure yet.
- Unicode support: One of the key objectives is to make good-looking tables with Unicode box drawing characters without much effort of the end user.
- Highly customizable: This will most notably include the possibility of user-defined table styles and formatting.
- CLI for shell script integration and quick usage.