A simple interactive lua interpreter implemented in Haskell
Supported Features
- Primitive types
- Variables
- Tables
- Control Structures
- Functions
- Metatables & Metamethods
- Input in interactive shell does not support proper cursor movement codes. It is recommended to directly copy complete statement into the shell.
- Only single line statement input is supported. Use
do S;S1 end
to sequence multiple statements together. - Float number literals / scientific notations are not supported.
- Combination of features could not work, e.g. non-tail
statement in sequenced statements inside loops. - Lua implicit table key deduction for array-like syntax is not implemented.
stack build
stack exec main
Or in GHCi
> :load Main
*Main> main
Lua> print("Hello World")
Lua> quit
a = {}
a[20] = "great"
k = 20
do t = {[1] = 99, ["x"]="abc", [#"key"]=true}; print (t) end
do a=20;b=40;op="+" end
if a > b then print(a) else print(b) end
if op == "+" then return a + b elseif op == "-" then return a - b else return -1 end
for i=10,1,-3 do print(i) end
do v=0; for i=1,10 do v = v+i end; print(v) end
v = 1
while v do do v=v*2; if v > 5 then break end end end
function tdouble(v) return 2*v end
function tmulti(a,b) return a*b end
function tcircum(r) do pi=314;return 2*pi*r/100 end end
inherits methods from Shape
while overridding the name
Shape = {}
function Shape:family() return "Shape" end
function Shape:name() return "Shape" end
function Shape:new() do o={};o["__metatable"]=self; return o end end
Square = Shape:new()
function Square:area() return self.x * self.x end
function Square:name() return "Square" end
function Square:new() do o={};o["__metatable"]=self; return o end end
o = Square:new()
o["x"] = 16
MetaMethod with operator +
and -
Point = {}
function Point:square() return self.x^2 + self.y^2 end
function Point:add(p) do o={};o["__metatable"]=self["__metatable"];o["x"]=self.x+p.x;o["y"]=self.y+p.y;return o end end
function Point:sub(p) do o={};o["__metatable"]=self["__metatable"];o["x"]=self.x-p.x;o["y"]=self.y-p.y;return o end end
Point["__add"] = Point.add
Point["__sub"] = Point.sub
function Point:new(x,y) do o={};o["__metatable"]=self;o["x"]=x;o["y"]=y;return o end end
do a = Point:new(3,4); b = Point:new(1,1) end
c = a + b
c = a - b
UIUC CS421 MP4 & MP5 github
- Code structure
- Parser usage
- Unit tests
- Lua features and code examples
Lua-Interpretor github
- Lua binary operators
- Unit tests