- ircme.py reads settings.yaml which contains your irc settings (server, botname, channel) and your jobs (python file + how often it should be executed e.g every 60 minutes)
- a job is a simple python file. ireqme.py will load it during runtime and execute the go function
git clone https://github.com/kmille/IRCme.git /home/ircme/IRCme
cd /home/ircme/IRCme
python3 -m virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
check the settings.py (for testing you can just run ping.py from the modules directory)
python ircme.py
adduser --shell /usr/sbin/nologin --disabled-password ircme
chown -R ircme: /home/ircme/IRCme/
cp ircme.service /etc/systemd/system
systemctl daemon-reload
- nickname is the name of the bot
- target can be a channel (e.g. #test123) or an irc username
- list containing python_file and every_minutes (60 for run it every 60 minutes)
supported commands are (you have to mention the botname like 'bot43: list'):
command | what it does |
list | shows all jobs listed in settings.yaml |
do | executes a job (e.g do ping.py |