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Releases: kmnhan/erlabpy


25 Mar 03:49
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v3.8.2 (2025-03-25)

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • analysis.transform.symmetrize: fix compatibility with data including NaN (ce173ce)

  • formatting: make float formatting use scientific notation for very small values (83843a0)

  • plugins.erpes: promote more attributes to coords (c2c066a)

  • dataloader: allow datetime and callable objects in additional_coords (732288f)

  • imagetool: update associated coords on show and reload; ensure float64 type for associated coordinates (1958b80)

  • qsel: allow passing arrays to simultaneously select multiple indices (a5c987b)

    DataArray.qsel now supports collection arguments. For example, actions like darr.qsel(x=[1, 2, 3], x_width=2) now works properly.

  • allow passing arrays to any argument (ffe4914)

⚡️ Performance

  • imagetool.manager: improve server responsiveness (#117) (255c04f)

    Changes the internal detection mechanism for running manager instances to be more reliable, along with some server side micro-optimizations.

♻️ Code Refactor

  • kspace: hide progress messages during momentum conversion (9eab40c)

    Hides the printed messages during momentum conversion by default. The messages can be enabled by passing silent=False to DataArray.kspace.convert.

  • imagetool.fastslicing: fix type signature ordering (a409322)

[main 94881cc] bump: version 3.8.1 → 3.8.2
3 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)


11 Mar 18:23
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v3.8.1 (2025-03-11)

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • fit: allow convolution on piecewise evenly spaced domain (0d2c7e3)

⚡️ Performance

  • utils.array: micro-optimizations for uniformity check (4d4da4d)

[main 642bec3] bump: version 3.8.0 → 3.8.1
2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)


11 Mar 15:30
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v3.8.0 (2025-03-11)

✨ Features

  • kspace: add method to convert between experimental configurations (7a426a8)

    Adds a new method DataArray.kspace.as_configuration that allows the user to easily correct data loaded in the wrong configurations. This is useful for setups where the experimental geometry can be changed.

  • io.plugins: add mbs plugin for setups based on MB Scientific AB analyzers (#112) (43e454b)

  • imagetool: add Symmetrize dialog (4ebaeab)

  • imagetool.dialogs: enhance CropToViewDialog with dimension selection and validation (6394121)

  • imagetool: add Average dialog for averaging data over selected dimensions (2e81aec)

  • imagetool: include rotation angle in rotation transform suffix (2842c5f)

  • imagetool.manager: add new action to refresh ImageTool data from the file it was loaded from. (d822f73)

    When performing real-time data analysis, it is often necessary to update the data in the ImageTool from the file it was loaded from. This commit adds a new Reload Data action to the right-click context menu of the ImageTool manger. The action is only visible when the data can be properly reloaded.

  • imagetool: retain cursor info when loading new data that is compatible with the current data (917851f)

  • gold.poly now returns a fit result Dataset instead of a lmfit modelresult. (ff224e7)

  • add background slope option for Fermi edge fitting (513e531)

  • io: allow temporary overriding of loader properties (#101) (bd4c50b)

    Adds a new context manager,, for temporarily overriding data loader behaviour.

    This is especially useful for data across multiple files, where the user can specify additional attributes to treat as coordinates, allowing them to be concatenated.

  • explorer: add image preview and fine-grained loading control (dca8fcb)

  • imagetool: implement non-dimension coordinate plotting (48eac24)

    1D Non-dimension coordinates associated with a data dimension can now be plotted alongside 1D slices on a secondary axis.

    For instance, if an ARPES map has a temperature coordinate that varies for each mapping angle, the temperature coordinate can be plotted as a function of angle.

    The plot can be toggled in the added item inside the View menu of the menu bar in ImageTool.

  • add accessor method for averaging over dimensions while retaining coordinates (90d28fb)

    Adds DataArray.qsel.average, which takes dimension names and calls DataArray.qsel with the bin widths set to infinity. Unlike DataArray.mean, the new method retains coordinates associated with the averaged dimension.

  • make several fitting functions xarray-aware (53b3688)

  • utils.array: add broadcast_args decorator for DataArray broadcasting (76149b9)

    Adds a new decorator that enables passing DataArrays to functions that only accepts numpy arrays or always returns numpy arrays, like numba-accelerated functions and some scipy functions.

  • analysis.transform: add symmetrize (#97) (aefb966)

    Adds a new method erlab.analysis.transform.symmetrize for symmetrizing data across a single coordinate.

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • imagetool: center rotation guidelines on cursor position upon initialization (18a7114)

  • io.plugins.kriss: support tilt compensated angle maps (0229ea2)

  • io: enforce native endianness for Igor Pro waves (#114) (92fe389)

    Data loaded from Igor Pro waves will now be converted to have native endianness. Some old data were loaded in big-endian by default, causing incompatibility with several numba functions, with ambiguous error messages.

  • io.plugins.kriss: properly assign rotation axes names (3dcb2ae)

  • imagetool.dialogs: make new windows opened within data transformation dialogs forget file path information (7a012cd)

  • imagetool: properly handle integer coordinates, closes #94 (5f0cd36)

  • imagetool: correct 1D data axis padding (68f59e9)

  • imagetool: allow loading data saved with non-default colormap (#102) (c476be2)

  • io.dataloader: preserve darr name when loading without values (3310ed6)

  • imagetool: allow data with constant coordinates (6ed4f2b)

  • imagetool.manager: disable scrolling in image preview (bd77e8d)

  • io.plugins.da30: zero DA offset for non-DA lens modes (#96) (a3bdf84)

♻️ Code Refactor

  • move fitting accessors to xarray-lmfit (#110) (9106cef)

    DataArray.modelfit and Dataset.modelfit are deprecated. The functionality has been moved to the xarray-lmfit package, and can be accessed via DataArray.xlm.modelfit and Dataset.xlm.modelfit as a drop-in replacement.

  • ktool: adjust default lattice parameter spinbox step to 0.1 for finer adjustments (d7cba80)

  • improve error message for missing hvplot package (a0c2460)

  • utils.array: simplify decorators for 2D array checks (7275e2e)

[main 8902951] bump: version 3.7.0 → 3.8.0
2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)


14 Feb 09:42
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v3.7.0 (2025-02-14)

✨ Features

  • imagetool: add 'Crop to View' functionality (ab6976b)

    Adds new menu option that crops the data to the currently visible axes limits.

  • explorer: remember scroll location when selecting a different file (ae58268)

  • imagetool: reimplement axis linking logic (8f8648c)

    Limits for all axes that correspond to the same dimension are now shared.

    Furthermore, view limits are now also shared across linked tools.

  • io.dataloader: display progress bar when loading data from multiple files (#91) (4d3a704)

    A progress bar is now displayed by default when loading data that spans multiple files. The visibility of the progress bar can be controlled with the newly added progress argument to

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • imagetool: improve manual range handling and auto range behavior (4864129)

  • imagetool: adjust bin spinbox range to include maximum data shape (701e189)

  • imagetool.manager: resolve exceptions that sometimes appear on initialization (04c23ba)

  • imagetool.manager: ensure compatibility with lazy-loaded data (6d57e13)

  • fix incorrect normalization for Fermi edge fits and add resolution parameter (1fe773d)

  • properly normalize convolution kernel for small sigma (390769e)

  • ktool: resolve incompatibility with hv-dependent data (#88) (472e98e)

⚡️ Performance

  • micro-optimizations related to EF guessing (afc5c90)

♻️ Code Refactor

  • io.plugins.da30: show error for invalid zip files (4c348e6)

  • goldtool: add initial resolution spinbox (9d8dd8d)

  • enable resolution plot customization through keyword arguments (a3058e6)

  • io.plugins.da30: support loading unzipped DA30 scans (#89) (eadc676)

[main 567d989] bump: version 3.6.0 → 3.7.0
2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)


03 Feb 14:03
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v3.6.0 (2025-02-03)

✨ Features

  • add support for Python 3.13, closes #58 (df4f479)

  • explorer: add a new interactive tool for browsing file systems (a70b222)

    Adds a explorer GUI window that provides a view of the file system with a summary of selected ARPES data files.

    The window can be started within ImageTool Manager from the File menu, or as a standalone application with python -m erlab.interactive.explorer.

    Closes #83.

  • misc: add function to open directory in system's file manager (7d3db3f)

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • io.exampledata: replace sph_harm deprecated in scipy 1.15.0 with sph_harm_y (eba902c)

  • interactive.utils: ignore all other arguments for separator actions in DictMenuBar (5c94b92)

    This fixes unintended text showing alongside menubar separators in some operating systems.

  • imagetool.manager: fix archived files being deleted after a few days (7d93442)

♻️ Code Refactor

  • io.exampledata: update sph_harm usage to match scipy 1.15.0 changes (1dde195)

  • replace direct typing imports with namespace imports (fc2825d)

  • imagetool: update type hints and preload fastbinning module (ab0b3fd)

  • io: improve docs structure by reorganizing namespace (5e2d7e5)

  • io: improve error messages for folders (8d63c09)

[main 567dfc8] bump: version 3.5.1 → 3.6.0
2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)


14 Jan 09:17
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v3.5.1 (2025-01-14)

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • restool: improve parameter guessing and copied code formatting (0b33770)

    The temperature and center can now be guessed independently.

♻️ Code Refactor

  • plotting: add literal option for point label formatting in mark_points_outside, consistent with mark_points (db723fd)

  • generalize fomatting DataArray to raw HTML (85c735e)

  • add plot capability to quick_fit and deprecate quick_resolution (903450b)

    Future code shoule use quick_fit with plot=True instead of quick_resolution.

  • ktool: add work function spinbox (31c5ae8)

  • io.dataloader: adds a extensions attribute to data loaders (a819960)

    Data loaders can now choose to implement an extensions attribute that returns a set of file extensions supported by the loader. This reduces the possibility of the user trying to load files with a wrong loader and gives informative error messages.

  • io: expose load_krax as public API (3508a0a)

    Adds a new function that can parse MBS deflector maps saved as .krx.

[main 95508a0] bump: version 3.5.0 → 3.5.1
2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)


04 Jan 12:40
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v3.5.0 (2025-01-04)

✨ Features

  • imagetool.manager: implement threaded file loading (feeb06b)

    Data are now loaded in the background.

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • plotting: properly expose __all__ (03cdf89)

  • imagetool: inverted state and aspect ratio of axes are now properly restored (321c837)

♻️ Code Refactor

  • imagetool: make imagetool respect the most recently used loader and data directory if opened in the manager (df1d550)

[main d31bbbe] bump: version 3.4.0 → 3.5.0
2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)


02 Jan 13:55
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v3.4.0 (2025-01-02)

✨ Features

  • introduce utils.array.sort_coord_order function (0e694d2)

    Sorts coordinates order to be prettier! Sorting now applied in various places such as data loaders, ImageTool, and the qsel accessor.

  • interactive: add restool (fd838b1)

    Adds a new interactive tool restool for fitting Fermi-Dirac distributions with a linear background to EDCs averaged over angles. The angle and energy range can be adjusted interactively.

  • imagetool.manager: add integration with IPython (cf346b9)

    Adds a new action that stores data with the %store magic command. With this, it is much more easy to import data processed in the manager into jupyter notebook sessions.

  • imagetool.manager: add preview (9fdc63d)

    Adds an image preview panel that shows the main image of the selected data.

    Also, a new hover preview option can be toggled on to show the preview images when hovering over each item.

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • kspace: properly handle maps with energy given as kinetic (02bce90)

  • io.plugins.erpes: show warning when loading with index is ambiguous (95a88b6)

  • io: fixes loaded data losing their original names (a19f37a)

  • handle NaN values in linear fit guesses (1aef937)

  • imagetool.manager: fix undefined selection order (4c486e2)

⚡️ Performance

♻️ Code Refactor

  • reorganize interactive module structure (87a6e89)

  • imagetool: add update parameter to apply_func (fd0238d)

  • accessors.kspace: make errors during momentum conversion due to missing coords or attrs more explicit (eb3d01c)

  • imagetool: change argument use_manager to manager in itool() (0929e5c)

  • imagetool: move main window setup from to (0997149)

    This refactor enhances maintainability and readability by clearly separating the main window setup logic from the package initialization.

  • imagetool: disable manager by default (34e943f)

    This update modifies itool and qshow so that tools are opened in the manager only when use_manager=True is explicitly specified.

    To address the inconvenience, a new Move to Manager action with keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+M has been added to the File menu of ImageTool windows opened outside the manager when the manager is running.

  • make sequence type checking function public and move to utils module (0475cfd)

    Adds utils.misc.is_sequence_of, which checks if an object is a sequence of elements of the specified type.

  • imagetool: show all axes by default for 4D data (b034477)

  • imagetool: add icons to context menu items that opens a new window (1f548f7)

  • imagetool: streamline window title naming (0f9dcda)

  • replace boilerplate decimal calculation with new utils.array.effective_decimals (7873669)

  • imagetool: initial migration to QAction (7807174)

    Mostly internal changes that reduces duplicate code and makes keyboard shortcuts robust.

  • imagetool.manager: refactor console and jitted functions to private modules to improve startup time (280bfd8)

[main d9524c1] bump: version 3.3.0 → 3.4.0
2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)


23 Dec 07:04
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v3.3.0 (2024-12-23)

✨ Features

  • io: improve loader registry repr with descriptions and dynamic formatting (3f43405)

  • io: add descriptions to loaders for better user guidance (7087c04)

  • dtool: add boxcar filter and 1D curvature, along with internal improvements (0bd2b17)

  • analysis.image: add diffn function for nth derivative calculation (a70812f)

    Adds a function that calculates accurate n-th order partial derivatives of DataArrays using findiff.

    Also, functions that use derivatives including curvature and scaled_laplace now uses properly scaled derivatives from findiff. As a consequence, the output of these functions may be slightly different.

  • analysis.image: add boxcar filter (7475266)

  • analysis.image: add 1D curvature (522d554)

  • io.plugins.erpes: add data loader for our homelab system! (48dcbb4)

  • io.plugins.merlin: allow loading BL4 single file in ImageTool file menu (079914e)

  • io.dataloader: automatically load in parallel with per-loader threshold (33a8c63)

  • imagetool: add support for DataTree objects (c4c03e3)

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • imagetool.manager: fix dark mode handling and focus management in console (ed81f70)

  • imagetool.manager: bind associated tools to the manager (a38cf7f)

    With this change, closing an ImageTool window no longer affects tools such as ktool and dtool opened in that ImageTool.

  • imagetool: make dimension order in exported image data from image plot consistent with the GUI (0ee225b)

  • imagetool: fix issue with selection with multiple binned dimensions (121c968)

  • io.dataloader: adjust condition to handle single file loading (d98c71f)

  • io.plugins.da30: update DA30Loader to handle multiple regions in one .pxt file (1ff8b93)

♻️ Code Refactor

  • io: deprecate choosing loaders with their aliases, closes #76 (464ee45)

  • interactive.utils: improve code generation (2b24e08)

  • replace direct imports with module references (b3ca55c)

  • io.nexusutils: defer error message until actually trying to load nexus files (8eec5aa)

[main aa8d3ed] bump: version 3.2.3 → 3.3.0
2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)


19 Dec 05:13
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v3.2.3 (2024-12-19)

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • enforce strict monotonicity check in data loader (513554e)

  • da30: return empty dict instead of None for matches in loader (2d8b8ae)

  • io.dataloader: assign coords also for multifile scan of length 1 (0b14f75)

  • io.plugins.merlin: adjust handling logic for motor scan aborted after one file (1ac25f1)

♻️ Code Refactor

  • io: implement lazy loading (da5244a)

[main ec5a479] bump: version 3.2.2 → 3.2.3
2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)