This is a solution to the Pricing component with toggle challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.
Users should be able to:
- View the optimal layout for the component depending on their device's screen size
- Control the toggle with both their mouse/trackpad and their keyboard
- Bonus: Complete the challenge with just HTML and CSS
- Solution URL: Pricing component with toggle
- Live Site URL: Pricing component with toggle
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- CSS custom properties
- Flexbox
- BEM methodology
- Jquery
While doing this challenge, I tried to give a bit more atention to the animations in it. I think the most challengin one was how to show the change between the different prices, I strugle deciding what I would do and tried a lot of different things. In the end this idea came to my mind and I'm really proud of how it turned out! I don't know if there is a better way to do it than this, but I think it works pretty nicely!
I want to keep focusing in little animations that bring more happiness to a web, while improving my JQuery skills in the meantime. I'm still a bit scaerd to take harder challenges, but I hope little by little I'll be ready soon!
- Website - Alba García
- Frontend Mentor - @koalba
- ArtStation - Alba García
- Instagram - Koal_Art
- Edu Fierro - My Master's degree teacher! He also uploads programming videos, he has (and is) teaching me A LOT during this months, I feel a lot more confortable writing html, css and jq! (Spanish)