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Add batch/upload.php script to upload a file to a site
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using the upload API. On success it prints the upload token to
standard output.
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kohler committed Mar 1, 2025
1 parent 833530e commit 3a8d880
Showing 1 changed file with 279 additions and 0 deletions.
279 changes: 279 additions & 0 deletions batch/upload.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
// upload.php -- HotCRP script for uploading data
// Copyright (c) 2006-2025 Eddie Kohler; see LICENSE.

if (realpath($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]) === __FILE__) {
require_once(dirname(__DIR__) . "/src/init.php");

class Upload_Batch extends MessageSet {
/** @var string */
public $site;
/** @var string */
public $authtoken;
/** @var ?string */
private $upload;
/** @var resource */
public $stream;
/** @var ?int */
public $size;
/** @var string */
public $mimetype;
/** @var string */
public $filename;
/** @var int */
public $chunk = 8 << 20;
/** @var ?string */
public $input_filename;
/** @var bool */
private $quiet;
/** @var bool */
private $verbose;
/** @var string */
private $response;

function __construct($site, $token, $stream, $arg) {
if (!str_starts_with($site, "http://")
&& !str_starts_with($site, "https://")) {
$site = "https://{$site}";
if (!preg_match('/\/api(?:\.php|)\z/', $site)) {
$site .= (str_ends_with($site, "/") ? "" : "/") . "api";
$this->site = $site;
$this->authtoken = $token;
$this->stream = $stream;
$this->mimetype = $arg["mimetype"] ?? null;
$this->filename = $arg["filename"] ?? null;
$this->input_filename = $arg["input_filename"] ?? null;
$this->quiet = $arg["quiet"] ?? false;
$this->verbose = $arg["verbose"] ?? false;
$stat = fstat($stream);
if ($stat && $stat["size"] > 0) {
$this->size = $stat["size"];
if (isset($arg["chunk"])) {
if (is_int($arg["chunk"])) {
$this->chunk = $arg["chunk"];
} else if (is_string($arg["chunk"])
&& preg_match('/\A([\d+]\.?\d*|\.\d+)([kmg]i?b?|)\z/i', $arg["chunk"], $m)) {
$n = (float) $m[1];
if ($m[2] !== "") {
/** @phan-suppress-next-line PhanParamSuspiciousOrder */
$x = (int) strpos(".kmg", strtolower($m[2][0]));
if (strlen($m[2]) === 2) {
$n *= 10 ** (3 * $x);
} else {
$n *= 1 << (10 * $x);
$this->chunk = (int) $n;
} else {
throw new CommandLineException("Invalid `chunk`");

/** @param CurlHandle $curlh
* @param resource $headerf
* @param int $offset
* @return null|object|'retry' */
private function execute_curl($curlh, $headerf, $offset) {
if ($this->verbose) {
fwrite(STDERR, curl_getinfo($curlh, CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL));
ftruncate($headerf, 0);
$this->response = curl_exec($curlh);
$rc = curl_getinfo($curlh, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE);
if ($this->verbose) {
fwrite(STDERR, ": {$rc}\n");
$j = json_decode($this->response);
if (!is_object($j)) {
$this->error_at(null, "<0>Invalid response from server");
if ($this->verbose) {
fwrite(STDERR, $this->response);
return null;
if ($rc > 399
&& isset($j->maxblob)
&& is_int($j->maxblob)
&& $j->maxblob + 2000 < $this->chunk
&& $offset === 0) {
$this->chunk = max(1, $j->maxblob - 2000);
return "retry";
foreach ($j->message_list ?? [] as $mj) {
if ($rc === 429) {
$hdata = stream_get_contents($headerf);
if (preg_match('/^x-ratelimit-reset:\s*(\d+)\s*/mi', $hdata, $m)) {
$this->append_item(MessageItem::inform("<0>The rate limit will reset in " . plural(intval($m[1]) - Conf::$now, "second") . "."));
if ($rc > 299) {
if (!$this->has_error()) {
$this->error_at(null, "<0>Server returned {$rc} error response");
return null;
return $j;

/** @return bool */
function execute() {
$offset = 0;
$curlh = curl_init();
curl_setopt($curlh, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($curlh, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST");
curl_setopt($curlh, CURLOPT_XOAUTH2_BEARER, $this->authtoken);
$hstream = fopen("php://memory", "w+b");
curl_setopt($curlh, CURLOPT_WRITEHEADER, $hstream);
$token = null;
$startargs = "start=1";
if ($this->filename) {
$startargs .= "&filename=" . urlencode($this->filename);
if ($this->mimetype) {
$startargs .= "&mimetype=" . urlencode($this->mimetype);
if (isset($this->size)) {
$startargs .= "&size={$this->size}";
$buf = "";
while (true) {
if (strlen($buf) < $this->chunk) {
$x = fread($this->stream, $this->chunk - strlen($buf));
if ($x === false) {
$mi = $this->error_at(null, "<0>Error reading file");
$mi->landmark = $this->input_filename;
return false;
$buf .= $x;
$breakpos = min($this->chunk, strlen($buf));
$s = substr($buf, 0, $breakpos);
if ($s === "" && $offset === 0) {
$mi = $this->error_at(null, "<0>Empty file");
$mi->landmark = $this->input_filename;
return false;
$eof = $buf === "" && feof($this->stream);
curl_setopt($curlh, CURLOPT_URL, $this->site
. "/upload?"
. ($offset === 0 ? $startargs : "token={$token}")
. ($s === "" ? "" : "&offset={$offset}")
. ($eof ? "&finish=1" : ""));
curl_setopt($curlh, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $s === "" ? [] : ["blob" => $s]);
$j = $this->execute_curl($curlh, $hstream, $offset);
if (!$j) {
return false;
} else if ($j === "retry") {
if ($token === null) {
if (!is_string($j->token ?? null)
|| !preg_match('/\Ahcup[A-Za-z0-9]++\z/', $j->token)) {
if (!$this->has_error()) {
$this->error_at(null, "<0>Upload token missing from server response");
return false;
$this->upload = $token = $j->token;
if ($this->verbose && $eof) {
fwrite(STDERR, $this->response);
if ($eof) {
return true;
$offset += $breakpos;
$buf = (string) substr($buf, $breakpos);

/** @return int */
function run() {
$ok = $this->execute();
if (!$this->quiet) {
fwrite(STDERR, $this->full_feedback_text(true));
if (!$ok) {
return 1;
fwrite(STDOUT, $this->upload . "\n");
return 0;

/** @param list<string> $argv
* @return Upload_Batch */
static function make_args($argv) {
global $Opt;
$arg = (new Getopt)->long(
"help,h !",
"verbose,V Be verbose",
"s:,siteurl:,url:,u: =URL Site URL",
"t:,token: =APITOKEN API token",
"filename:,f: =FILENAME Filename for uploaded file",
"no-filename !",
"mimetype:,m: =MIMETYPE Type for uploaded file",
"chunk: =CHUNKSIZE Maximum chunk size [5M]",
"quiet,q Do not print error messages"
)->description("Upload file to HotCRP site.
Usage: php batch/upload.php -u SITEURL -t APITOKEN FILE")

if (!isset($arg["s"])) {
throw new CommandLineException("`-s SITEURL` required");
if (!isset($arg["t"])) {
throw new CommandLineException("`-t APITOKEN` required");
if (str_starts_with($arg["t"], "<")) {
$s = @file_get_contents(substr($arg["t"], 1));
if ($s === false) {
$m = preg_replace('/\A.*:\s*(?=[^:]+\z)/', "", (error_get_last())["message"]);
throw new CommandLineException(substr($arg["t"], 1) . ": " . $m);
$arg["t"] = trim($s);
if (!preg_match('/\Ahct_[A-Za-z0-9]{30,}\z/', $arg["t"])) {
throw new CommandLineException("APITOKEN has bad format");
if (empty($arg["_"])) {
$f = STDIN;
} else {
$f = @fopen($arg["_"][0], "rb");
if (!$f) {
$m = preg_replace('/\A.*:\s*(?=[^:]+\z)/', "", (error_get_last())["message"]);
throw new CommandLineException($arg["_"][0] . ": " . $m);
if (!isset($arg["filename"])
&& preg_match('/\/([^\/]+)\z/', $arg["_"][0], $m)) {
$arg["filename"] = $m[1];
$arg["input_filename"] = $arg["_"][0];
if (isset($arg["no-filename"])) {
if (isset($arg["quiet"])) {
$arg["quiet"] = true;
if (isset($arg["verbose"])) {
$arg["verbose"] = true;
return new Upload_Batch($arg["s"], $arg["t"], $f, $arg);

if (realpath($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]) === __FILE__) {

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