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excel report generation using data from bcbio variant2 germline pipeline


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Excel variant report generator and scripts to process WES data (cram/bam/fastq -> variant calls -> annotated variant calls -> prioritized variants -> excel report). Uses results from bcbio variant2 germline variant calling pipeline.

1. Installation

1.1 Install bcbio-nextgen.

Use HPC or server. Add bcbio to PATH and PYTHONPATH in .bash_profile:

export PATH=[installation_path]/tools/bcbio/bin:[installation_path]/tools/bcbio/anaconda/bin:$PATH
export PYTHONPATH=[installation_path]/tools/bcbio/anaconda/lib/python2.7:$PYTHONPATH

bcbio installs many other useful tools (including java and R) and datasets through bioconda and cloudbiolinux.

1.2 Clone cre to ~/cre and add it to PATH.

git clone

.bash_profile: export PATH=~/cre:$PATH

1.3 (Optional) Install/update OMIM.

By default CRE uses cre/data/omim.txt and cre/data/omim.inheritance.csv.

  • Goto and request the latest database.
  • In a couple of days you will receive: genemap2.txt, genemap.txt, mim2gene.txt, mimTitles.percent.txt, mimTitles.txt, morbidmap.txt.
  • Preprocess OMIM with cd OMIM_DIR;~/cre/

Result - omim.txt with omim description of diseases related to ~ 4000 genes We use the improved OMIM inheritance table from the second file with inheritance mappings. It references genes by gene name (symbol) rather than by Ensembl_id which is a requirement for CRE. Most gene names (symbols) could be mapped automatically with Ensembl biomart genes.R, but some genes (not many) might need manual curation to assign the correct ENSEMBL_ID.

1.4 (Optional) Install/update Orphanet: cd ~/cre/data; ~/cre/ Orphanet provides descriptions for ~3600 genes:. By default CRE uses orphanet.txt 1.5 (Optional) Update Gnomad gene contraint scores: Rscript ~/cre/cre.gnomad_scores.R By default using ~/cre/data/gnomad_scores.csv

1.6 (Optional) Imprinted genes. By default using ~/cre/data/imprinting.txt.

1.7 (Optional) Install HGMD pro database Install HGMD pro and dump information with ~/cre/cre.hgmd2csv.sql.

2. (optional) Alignment to grch37 with decoy

By default, bcbio does not have decoy in grch37 reference, decoy is supported only in grch38. Using decoy improves FDR by ~0.5%. Two step approach could be applied to use decoy in bcbio bcbio/bcbio-nextgen#2489:

  • install custom grch37d5 reference with decoy:
  • run alignment step vs grch37d5 reference: <project> align_decoy
  • keep bam file aligned vs grch37d5 for storage
  • run variant calling with noalt_calling and bam_clean: remove_extracontigs (SV calling in WGS required additional processing of decoy aligned bam file, see crg).
  • when saving project to the storage, use bam files aligned to decoy

3. Set up bcbio project for alignment, variant caling and annotation

  • Prepare input files: family_sample_1.fq.gz, family_sample_2.fq.gz, or family_sample.bam and place them into family/input folder.
  • There might be many samples in a family(project).
  • TEST: NIST Ashkenazim trio: (download OsloUniversityHospital exomes).
  • run [family].

By default it uses bcbio.templates.wes.yaml config with following features:

  • 4 callers, the order is important, because variant metrics in ensemble calling (like AD) are picked up from the first caller in the list (gatk)
  • ensemble calling
  • realignment and recalibration. There is no much gain in precision/sensitivity with RR, but to make bam files consistent with other projects it is on here. Actually, realignment helps samtools to call indels better.
  • no bed file. Let callers call every variant which has coverage, we will filter poorly covered variants later. Modern exome capture kits are so perfect, that we can discover a useful non-coding variant. No sense to filter them out during that stage.
  • effects: VEP. There is a holywar VEP/snpEff/Annovar. My choice is VEP. You will see later both Ensembl and Refseq in the report, so no reason for using Annovar.
  • effects_transcripts: all. We want all effects of a variant on all transcripts to be reported.
  • aligner: bwa. Even staring with bam files, bwa is used. Sometimes input bam files aligned against older reference, or different (chr) naming scheme. It is better to have a bam file consistent with calls made.
  • custom annotation cre.vcfanno.conf using data sources installed in bcbio.
  • creates gemini database with vcf2db

3a. Input files are in Illumina basespace.

  • use basespace-cli to dump bcl files to HPC, then do 1b.

3b. Input is Illumina run (bcl files).

3c. Input is cram file.

  • Run
  • I would suggest to avoid crams when possible. A damaged bam file could be recovered with, but nothing could be done for cram.

4. Run bcbio

  • Single project: qsub ~/cre/bcbio.pbs -v project=[project_name] Project should have a folder project_name in the current directory.

  • Multiple projects: qsub -t 1-N ~/cre/bcbio.array.pbs Current directory should have a list of projects in projects.txt.

5. Clean result dir and create project.csv report:

qsub ~/cre/ -v family=[family],cleanup=1

  • moves project results and sample bam files to family dir
  • removes work and final dirs from bcbio project
  • removes gemini databases for individual callers (we need only ensemble gemini database)

During the report generation step:

  • dumps variants from gemini database to tab text file
  • dumps variant impacts from gemini database to tab text file
  • annotates variants with refseq in addition to ensembl
  • gets coverage from GATK Haplotype calls, freebayes, and platypus
  • build excel report based on gemini variants table, variant impacts, coverage information and some other fields.

5a. QC checks

  • Check the variant count for each sample in project and compare it to historical data.
  • If the variant counts are not in the "normal" range - run the coverage report to check for any coverage related issues using the command below

qsub ~/bioscripts/scripts/ -v bam=[bam_file],bed=[path to exome bed file]

  • Generate coverage report for every abormal sample in the project using the command above.
  • Report any sample with abnormal coverage.
  • In addition to the coverage reports, one can also check multiqc for tr/tv ratio, raw sequence quality etc, and/or run relatedness checks for some families.

6. Step 5 in detail

6.1 Report description.
6.2 Report example for Ashkenazim trio from NIST.
6.3 [project-ensembl.db] - dumps a gemini database into text file.
6.4 [project-ensembl.db] dumps variant impacts from gemini.
6.5 creates a vcf file with rare and potentially deleterious variants, the same set of variants is in the excel report.

cat ${family}-ensemble.db.txt | cut -f 23,24  | sed 1d | sed s/chr// > ${family}-ensemble.db.txt.positions
    bcftools view -R ${family}-ensemble.db.txt.positions -o ${family}.vcf.gz -O z ${family}-ensemble-annotated-decomposed.vcf.gz

6.6 coverage from VCFs produced by GATK, platypus, and freebayes - requires gatk wrapper from bcbio. ${family}-freebayes-annotated-decomposed.vcf.gz ${family}-gatk-haplotype-annotated-decomposed.vcf.gz ${family}-platypus-annotated-decomposed.vcf.gz

6.7 Rscript ~/cre/cre.R [family] - creates report family.csv.

7. How to create a database of variants

  • [input_dir] [output_dir] - creates sample-wise and variant-wise reports, which are necessary for annotation with cre.R.
  • [database_prefix] [gene_name] - pull a gene report from the database.

8. Coverage plots

  • ~/bioscripts/genes.R - pull a bed file from Ensembl
  • ~/bioscripts/ - calculate coverage
  • cheo.R - plot coverage pictures

9. List of all scripts

  • bcbio.array.pbs
  • bcbio.pbs
  • cheo.R - mostly Venn diagrams to compare pipeline validations + some coverage analysis
  • - removes decoy reads for grch37d5 with VariantBam and grep.
  • - examples of bcbio installation and upgrade
  • - calculate coverage
  • - fixes sample names
  • loads vep-annotated vcf to gemini db.
  • - pull all varaints for a specific gene.
  • cre.gnomad_scores.R - download and parse gnomad scores.
  • cre.immunopanels.R - annotates CRE report with 6 immunopanels.
  • cre.kinship.R - to plot relatedness (kinship) diagram for a group of samples. Sometimes helps to detect and solve mislabelling.
  • - validates NA12878 calls vs genome in a bottle callset with RTG and a bed file
  • - master script to produce variant reports from bcbio output
  • cre.topmed.R - pull variant frequency from TopMed having rs_id
  • a robust method of ROH/LOH analysis with h3m2, calls variants, accounts for exonic regions, LD, plots picture.
  • retrieves MAF<5% high quality variants from gemini.db and reports stretches of >9 HOM variants (start, end, length, genes).
  • fixes input vcf file from HAS pipeline (Illumina, TCAG) filling DP field

10. Credits

This work was inspired by

  • bcbio and gemini teams. Thank you all!
  • Kristin Kernohan from Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO), who generated most ideas about the report contents. Thank you, Kristin, for all of the discussions!

Thank you colleagues at CCM, for seminars and personal discussions.


excel report generation using data from bcbio variant2 germline pipeline







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