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a databases uni project, including a reflection-based, automatic MySQL query engine

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About (EN)

Project from the Databases (2261) course, '23/24. ePopis is an application that provides the possibility of simulating the listing of electricity consumption, similar to the Elektrokrajina system. The main actors in the model are Potrosac, Elektricar, Distributer, Snabdjevac, Knjigovodja and Administrator. Non-personalized objects, also of great importance, are Predracun, Dokument, Opomena, Racun, Mjesto. The application was developed using MySQL (v8.0.36) technology, with the implementation of business logic in the Java (v22 JDK programming language. The environment uses Maven build-system, for easy resolution of module dependencies. When expanding the project, it is necessary to resolve the visibility of the module with other packages in the file. The graphic interface was developed using JavaFX technology, using the SceneBuilder (v21.0.0) application.

About (RS)

Projekat iz Baza podataka (2261), '23/24. ePopis je aplikacija koja pruza mogucnost simulacije popisivanja potrosnje elektricne energije, slicno kao sistemu Elektrokrajine. Glavni akteri u modelu su Potrosac, Elektricar, Distributer, Snabdjevac, Knjigovodja i Administrator. Nepersonalizovani objekti, takodje od velike bitnosti su Predracun, Dokument, Opomena, Racun, Mjesto. Aplikacija je razvijena koristenjem MySQL (v8.0.36) tehnologije, sa implementacijom poslovne logike u Java (v22 JDK) programskom jeziku. Okruzenje koristi Maven build-system, zbog lakseg razrjesavanja zavisnosti modula. Prilikom prosirivanja projekta neophodno je razrjesiti vidljivost modula drugim paketima u fajlu. Graficki interfejs je razvijen koristenjem JavaFX tehnologije, upotrebom SceneBuilder (v21.0.0) aplikacije.

Project Structure

The project is organized into different modules, each representing a different part of the application:

  • AdminGUI: The GUI for administrators.
  • DistributerGUI: The GUI for distributors.
  • ElektricarGUI: The GUI for electricians.
  • KnjigovodjaGUI: The GUI for bookkeepers.
  • PotrosacGUI: The GUI for consumers.
  • LoginGUI: The GUI for login functionality.

Each module is located in its own directory under src/main/java/org/unibl/etf/epopis/gui/views.

Building the Project

If you are using intelliJ IDEA, you can simply clone the repository and use pre-configured build tasks.

Eventhough, the project uses Maven for dependency management. To build the project, run the following command in the terminal:

./mvnw clean install

This will compile the project, run any tests, and package the compiled code into a JAR file.

Running the Project

After building the project, you can run it with the following command:

./mvnw javafx:run

This will start the application.


The project uses several dependencies, including:

  • Lombok: For reducing boilerplate code.
  • Protobuf: For protocol buffers.
  • Apache Commons Lang: Provides extra functionality for classes in java.lang.
  • JUnit: For unit testing.

For a full list of dependencies, see the pom.xml file.


a databases uni project, including a reflection-based, automatic MySQL query engine






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