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Kona Currents, LLC offers downloading of software for embedded ESP-32 capabilities that support creation and interaction with the Semantic Marker™ System. These use the Semantic Marker™ API and the messaging cloud service infrastructure. This code is especially suited to our special on-line classroom teaching of IoT robot capabilities.


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ESP_IOT Framework v2.0

The goal of ESP_IOT is to have a set of modules that can be included in the loop and setup. Adding them will add and manipulate various IoT capabilities, while using the ESP_IOT framework to connect the various devices. The ESP-32 devices support bluetooth and wifi but have a limited user interface. The M5 based ESP-32 extends with a display, speaker, temperature, axcelerometor sensers. Other devices such as M5 V2 incorporate a camera with machine learning functionality.

API Manual

More Docs

When incorporated with the network through WIFI and a pub/sub engine like MQTT, using JSON formatted messages, a powerful collaboration supports the IoT suite of applications.

The ESP_IOT supports adding and sharing between can use the #ifdef to add or remove capalities. And each has a setup() and loop() for the various functional modules.

Documented Architecture and Code \ref DisplayModule \ref MQTTModule

PetTutor Mini) ESP_IOT Diagram ESP_IOT Modules

#include "src/MQTTModule/MQTTNetworking.h"

#include "src/BLEServerModule/BLEServerNetworking.h"

#include "src/BLEClientModule/BLEClientNetworking.h"

#include "src/ButtonModule/ButtonModule.h"

#include "src/WIFI_APModule/WIFI_APModule.h"

//!functions to call, like blinkBlueLight..
void blinkBlueLight(char *message);

//! main setup of the executable
void setup()

#ifdef MQTTNetworking
	//register callbacks..
	//then call setup

#ifdef BLEServerNetworking
	//register callbacks..
	//then call setup

#ifdef BLEClientNetworking
   //register callbacks..
   registerCallbackBLEClient(BLE_CLIENT_CALLBACK_BLINK_LIGHT, &blinkBlueLight);

   //then call setup
} //setup

And the main loop of the executable (from the Arduino runtime).

//! main loop of the executable
void loop()
#ifdef MQTTNetworking

#ifdef BLEServerNetworking

#ifdef BLEClientNetworking
} //loop

Mixing module functionality

The interesting part is when the modules are mixed since they perform different functions. One example is when a message arrives via MQTT but must be sent out on the BLE interface. Thus the callback on MQTT would then call one of methods in the other module. The goal is to define generic methods that are generially called, via the the register callbacks.

ESP32 and M5Stick

The MQTTNetwork is a capability to setup a WIFI connection and then a MQTT subscription. Since this is for the ESP chips, the information is stored internally in the EPROM of the chip.


Header of MQTTNetwork

#define MQTTNetworking

//! register the callback function (with a char* message) with the callbackType (1,2,3...)
//!  eg  registerCallback(MQTT_CALLBACK_FEED, &messageFeedFunction)
void registerCallback(int callbackType, void (*callback)(char*));

//THIS IS the setup() and loop() but using the "component" name, eg MQTTNetworking()
//! called from the setup()
void setupMQTTNetworking();

//! called for the loop() of this plugin
void loopMQTTNetworking();

//!called for things like the advertisement
char *getDeviceName();

//!process the JSON message, which can be configuration information. This is called from outside on things like a Bluetooth message..
//!return true if valid JSON, and false otherwise. This looks for '{'
int processJSONMessage(char *message);


To use the MQTTNetwork module, the same setup and loop of the main application is used, but in that loop are calls to:




Some operations need to be handled in the calling application, such as feeding the dog or retrieving the temperature. These are handled in callback functions. These should be called before the setup is called.

    //register the 2 callbacks for now..
    registerCallback(MQTT_CALLBACK_FEED, &feedMessageCallback);
    registerCallback(MQTT_CALLBACK_BLINK, &blinkMessageCallback);

These are defined as methods with a single message parameter. This message will be what was seen on the network and processed by the message process (eg. processBarkletMessage())

//!example callback: but the scope would have the pCharacteristic defined, etc..
//!This is pased just before the setupMQTTNetworking() is called..
void feedMessageCallback(char *message)
  SerialDebug.printf("\nNimBLE_PetTutor_Server.messageCallback: %s\n", message);
  char * rxValue = "c";  //feed

  ProcessClientCmd(rxValue[0]);   //?? client sent a command now see what it is
  // pCharacteristic->setValue(0x01);  //??  This is the acknowlege(ACK) back to client.  Later this should be contigent on a feed completed

//!callback for blinking led
void blinkMessageCallback(char *message)
    //call the already defined blink led

Setup via Bluetooth JSON Message

Since the device must be configured, the processJSONMesage() is called when a bluetooth message arrives (or other ways the information is gathered). This returns a boolan stating which if true means the message was processed, otherwise the caller does what it wants with the bluetooth message.

//!process the JSON message, which can be configuration information. This is called from outside on things like a Bluetooth message..
//!return true if valid JSON, and false otherwise. This looks for '{'
int processJSONMessage(char *message);

JSON Format for configuring MQTT and WIFI

  "ssid" : "SSID NAME",
  "ssidPassword" : "SSID PASSWORD`",

  "jsonHeader" : "WIFI+MQTT",
  "mqtt_guestPassword": "test"
  "deviceName": "Name of feeder",
  "name":"iDogWatch MQTT Configuration",

Bootstrapping by hardcoding info

In testing, or otherwise bootstrapping the device, a BOOTSTRAP ifdef is used.

    //note: this could be a 'rebootstrap' message via MQTT .. in the future..
        SerialDebug.println("BOOTSTRAP device with our own WIFI and MQTT");
        char* BOOT_mqtt_server = "";
        char* BOOT_mqtt_port = "1883";

		  //The SSID information:
        char* BOOT_ssid = "ssidName";
        char* BOOT_ssid_password = "ssidPassword";

		  //MQTT Info
        char *BOOT_mqtt_user = "test";
        char *BOOT_mqtt_password = "test";
        char *BOOT_mqtt_topic = "usersP/bark/test";

		  //Info to name the device itself (eg. Test Feeder)
		  char *BOOT_deviceName = "Test Feeder";
        char *BOOT_uuidString = "unused";
        char *BOOT_jsonHeaderString = "WIFI+MQTT";
        char *BOOT_jsonVersionString ="BOOTSTRAP 1.1";
		  // store in the JSONVar .. (not shown)

        SerialDebug.print("Writing EPROM JSON = ");
        _preferences.putString(_preferencesJSONName, myObject);
        // Close the Preferences
#endif //BOOTSTRAP


Header of BLEServerNetworking

#define BLEServerNetworking

//!defines the operations on BLE Server Networking
//!BLEServerNetworking is the "server" side of the BLE interface

//!the 'setup' for this module BLEServerNetworking. Here the service name is added (and potentially more later)
void setupBLEServerNetworking(char *serviceName, char * deviceName, char *serviceUUID, char *characteristicUUID);
#define SERVICE_UUID        "B0E6A4BF-CCCC-FFFF-330C-0000000000F0"  //Pet Tutor feeder service for feed
#define CHARACTERISTIC_UUID "B0E6A4BF-CCCC-FFFF-330C-0000000000F1"  //Pet Tutor feeder characteristic

//!the 'setup' for this module BLEServerNetworking. Here the service name is added (and potentially more later)
void loopBLEServerNetworking();


//! register the callback function (with a char* message) with the callbackType (1,2,3...)
//!  eg  registerCallback(BLE_SERVER_CALLBACK_FEED, &messageFeedFunction)
void registerCallbackBLEServer(int callbackType, void (*callback)(char*));

//!sets the device name
void setBLEServerDeviceName(char *deviceName);

//!send something over bluetooth, this right now is 0x01 
void sendBLEMessageACKMessage();


To use the MQTTNetwork module, the same setup and loop of the main application is used, but in that loop are calls to:

  setupBLEServerNetworking("PTFeeder", getDeviceName(), PT_SERVICE_UUID, PT_CHARACTERISTIC_UUID);



 //*** The callback for "onWrite" of the bluetooth "onWrite'
  registerCallbackBLEServer(BLE_SERVER_CALLBACK_ONWRITE, &onWriteBLEServerCallback);


Header of BLEClientNetworking

#define BLEClientNetworking


//! register the callback function (with a char* message) with the callbackType (1,2,3...)
//!  eg  registerCallback(BLE_CLIENT_CALLBACK_FEED, &messageFeedFunction)
void registerCallbackBLEClient(int callbackType, void (*callback)(char*));

//!the 'setup' for this module BLEClientNetworking. Here the service name is added (and potentially more later)
void setupBLEClientNetworking(char *serviceName, char *serviceUUID, char *characteristicUUID);

//!the loop()
void loopBLEClientNetworking();

//FOR NOW THIS IS HERE.. but it should be more generic. eg:  sendBluetoothCommand() ..
//send the feed command
void sendFeedCommandBLEClient();


    registerCallbackBLEClient(BLE_CLIENT_CALLBACK_BLINK_LIGHT, &blinkBlueLight);
    setupBLEClientNetworking((char*)"PTFeeder",(char*) SERVICE_UUID, (char*) CHARACTERISTIC_UUID );



    registerCallbackBLEClient(BLE_CLIENT_CALLBACK_BLINK_LIGHT, &blinkBlueLight);

BNF Grammer for Barklet Language

 * @discussion
 * Description = Grammer for Barklet communication
 * --- BNF: NOTE: {} are part of language not BNF
 * --NOTE: <guest ID> ":"  -- created by chat-room, not user messages
 *   message          ::= [<guest ID> ":"] <payload> <player_name> [<time>]
 *   payload          ::= <request> [<deviceInfo>] | <reply>
 *   request          ::= #STATUS | #TEMP | #CAPTURE | #FEED | #VERSION
 *   reply            ::=  <connection>
 *                       | <location>
 *                   | <biometrics> <bot_name>
 *                   | <ack>
 *                   | <chat>
 *                   | <version>
 *                   | <distanceTo< <bot_name>
 *   connection       ::= <connectionStatus> <status>
 *   connectionStatus ::= <connectionPhase> <bot_name> | #REMOTE
 *   connectionPhase  ::= #CONNECTED | #WAITING | #DISCONNECTED
 *   status           ::= {I,F,remote}   //Inside network, Foreground  || Outside, background
 *   location         ::= #GPS <loc>
 *   loc              ::= {nil} | {<lat:float>,<lon:float>,<alt-feet:float>}
 *   chat             ::= #CHAT_CONNECTED | #CHAT_DISCONNECTED
 *   ack              ::= #ACK <ack_kind>
 *   ack_kind         ::= <ack_feed>
 *   ack_feed         ::= "Fed" <bot_name>
 *   biometrics       ::= <temp> | <acceleration>
 *   temp             ::= {TempF=<float>}
 *   acceleration     ::= {Acc=<floatX>,<floatY>,<floatZ>}
 *   deviceInfo       ::= <identity> | {"deviceName":<name>}
 *   bot_name         ::= <identity>
 *   player_name      ::= <identity>
 *   identity         ::= {<name> [<UUID>]}
 *   UUID             ::= <32 bit name>
 *   float            ::= <int> : <int>
 *   time             ::= {hh:mm:ss}
 *   version          ::= {ver=x.x}

MQTT Namespace

IOT MQTT_Namespace

The MQTT topic namespace architecture.

IOT Backend


The nodered backend.

ESP Stability

Testing as of 2.2.22 has the following observations:

  1. Sending a FEED command at 5 second intervals, seems to overload the WIFI of the ESP after 12 hours. It still listens on BLE but cannot connect to WIFI.

  2. Sending FEED at 1 minute intervals results in the ESP running for much longer.

  3. The MQTT backend (mosquitto) is working nicely so far.

MQTT Scalability

According the a 2015 benchmark, MQTT can handle 60,000 publishers running Mosquitto.

OTA Image Sizes

With DebugDebug
Full:                1040206 bytes (79%)
Without WIFI_AP:      75%
Without BLE_SERVER   836042  bytes (63%)
Without MQTT         1000690 bytes (76%)
Without Buttons      1039706 bytes (79%)

(basically anyone includes BLE code .. it adds 15%)

Without DebugDebug  
Full: 1030010 bytes (78%) -- 10204 less bytes
Without WIFI_AP:     979246 bytes (74%)
Without BLE_SERVER   817038 bytes (62%)
Without MQTT         994870 bytes (75%)
Without either MQTT or WIFI (<WiFi.h>): 
                     568866 bytes (43%)

With DebugDebug  
Full:               1108922 bytes (84%) 
Without DebugDebug  
Full:               1087725 bytes (82%)
Without WIFI_AP:    1040309 bytes (79%)
Without BLE_SERVER  1082581 bytes (82%) 
Without BLE_CLIENT  1068765 bytes (81%) 
Without BLE both    843785  bytes (64%)   
Without MQTT        1051605 bytes (80%)
Without either MQTT or WIFI (<WiFi.h>): 
                    645349  bytes (49%)

(basically anyone includes BLE code .. it adds 20%)




KSNetworking is available GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See the LICENSE file for more info.


Kona Currents, LLC offers downloading of software for embedded ESP-32 capabilities that support creation and interaction with the Semantic Marker™ System. These use the Semantic Marker™ API and the messaging cloud service infrastructure. This code is especially suited to our special on-line classroom teaching of IoT robot capabilities.





