This repository contains the code used in order to crawl the domain : {ACADEMIC} /publications/ in order to extract all the publications for 4 academics.
The data was used as a proof of concept in order to present Biographies or Narratives for Accademics. Specifically, the data was stored in the form of triples, and the code includes a function to etract them directly in turtle format. The results are as presented in the "VU_crawled_publications.ttl" file.
Our complete ontology with all the facts / triples can be found in the "acbio_complete.ttl" file.
The IRI of our Ontology is ""
The resulting Narratives are displayed here (also incorporating publication data from the Microsoft Academics KG, and some events provided manually):
Frank van Harmelen :
Piek Vossen. :
Henri Bal
Dorret Boomsma\_6EAt