This repo is of course still work in progress and definetly is not complete/ready. Project created to learn akka, akka-http, blockchain etc.
Master branch aims to be a general-purpose blockchain template. Koin branch aims to be a simple cryptocurrency called "Koin" implementation.
Tests work as usual, but to run multi-jvm tests of akka-cluster, you need to specifically run
sbt multi-jvm:test
To start first node one should provide 3 args: host http api port and cluster tcp port. Example:
java -jar scala-blockchain-0.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar 9001 2552
To start more nodes, one should provide above and "host:cluster-port" to one of the already running nodes. Example:
java -jar scala-blockchain-0.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar 9002 2553
- blockchain/chain - returns the whole chain
- blockchain/valid - checks if blockchain is valid
- blockchain/latest - returns the latest block in the chain
- blockchain/mine; data:String - creates new block with data = "data", mines it and returns timestamp and its json representation
{"previousHash":"00564f199d2000d6c7d99a84282fa79de02b21720268bc8e1d37b9e2e8374113","timestamp":1537728832881,"nonce":210,"data":"{\"key1\":\"value1\", \"key2\":\"value2\"}","index":1}
- blockchain/refresh - updates chain on the present node with the longest chain in the cluster, return length of that chain
{"timestamp":"2019-06-14T13:54:27Z", "newLength":2}