Next Generation of OpenTreeHole Written In Golang
An Anonymous BBS
To be done
git clone
cd treehole_next
# install swag and generate docs
go install
swag init --parseInternal --parseDepth 1 # to generate the latest docs, this should be run before compiling
# build for debug
go build -o treehole.exe
# build for release
go build -tags "release" -ldflags "-s -w" -o treehole.exe
# run
export MODE=test
go test -v ./tests/...
export MODE=bench
go test -v -benchmem -cpuprofile=cpu.out -benchtime=1s ./benchmarks/... -bench .
For documentation, please open http://localhost:8000/docs after running app
Feel free to dive in! Open an issue or Submit PRs.
We are now in rapid development, any contribution would be of great help. For the developing roadmap, please visit this issue.
This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute.