This is an implementation of the martingale confidence sequence underlying Darling and Robbins's Confidence sequences for mean, variance, and median.
This confidence sequence method is appropriate to reject the null
hypothesis that a sum of i.i.d. random values in [-1, 1] (or any other
range of width 2) has zero mean (i.e., that the i.i.d. random values
themselves have zero mean). This test is actually more widely
applicable: it suffices for the moment generating function mgf(t) = E[exp(tx)] <= exp(t^2 / 2)
for all t >= 0
. However, this property
can be hard to prove, and Hoeffding's lemma
says that a range of width at most 2 (e.g., [-1, 1]) suffices to
satisfy the condition.
A call to martingale_cs_threshold
generates a confidence sequence at
level 1 - exp(log_eps)
, for a sum of n
values, assuming that the
first min_count
values can be accumulated without expecting any
useful confidence interval (martingale_cs_threshold
returns +infty
when n < min_count
). The confidence sequence guarantees that, if
the summands have zero mean and range [-1, 1] (or satisfy the
constraint on the mgf), the probability that sum exceeds the value
returned by martingale_cs_threshold
at a single iteration is at most
, regardless of the total number of iterations (i.e.,
even if it's unbounded). Moreover, the interval keeps shrinking, so
any mean that's strictly positive will eventually be detected.
For a two-tailed "equality" comparison (i.e., to determine when the
running sum is too positive or too negative), add martingale_cs_eq
to log_eps
in the call to martingale_cs_threshold
. This will
simply ask for a confidence interval with half the false positive
rate, so that we can use the threshold symmetrically to check if the
sum is too high or too low, and still guarantee a total false positive
rate of at most exp(log_eps)
Given that Hoeffding's lemma guarantees the precondition on the mgf
holds for any range of width 2, we can also use this to obtain a
confidence sequence on the mean of a random variable with a domain of
the form [lo, lo + 2]
: the distribution mean is unknown, but the
confidence sequence tells us how far we can expect the sample mean to
stray from the distribution mean, and thus how far the distribution
mean can be from the sample mean (modulo the false positive rate).
This use case is facilitated by martingale_cs_threshold_span
, which
will rescale the confidence sequence implemented by
for any range [lo, lo + span]
This library also implements confidence sequences on the rank of any specific quantile in the observations on top of the martingale confidence sequence, as demonstrated in the aforementioned paper of Darling and Robbins. However, these intervals are weaker than those we can obtain with the confidence sequence method's Binomial test. Only use them if code size or computation time are a concern.
There is also a small difference between the implementation of the quantile confidence sequence and the paper to account for the non-zero probability of having observations exactly equal to the median, when values are discrete (e.g., when measuring time in clock cycles): the range is conservatively extended by one more observation.
The martingale-CS can work with a large number of point statistics, but tends to need a lot of data to reject the null hypothesis. If the question can be cast as a Binomial test (e.g., quantile confidence sequences), confidence sequence method should terminate much more quickly. Otherwise, if we can compare full distributions, one-sided-KS may also be applicable: this Kolmogorov-Smirnov test tends to require more data points than the binomial CSM, but still less so than martingale-CS.