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Kopokopo Node.js SDK


This is a module to assist developers in consuming Kopokopo's API


To install run the following command on your project's directory:

npm install --save k2-connect-node


The package should be configured with your client id and client secret which you can get from your account on the kopokopo's app

//Having stored your credentials as environment variables
const options = {
  clientId: process.env.K2_CLIENT_ID,
  clientSecret: process.env.K2_CLIENT_SECRET,
  baseUrl: process.env.K2_BASE_URL,
  apiKey: process.env.K2_API_KEY

//Including the kopokopo module
var K2 = require("k2-connect-node")(options)

Note: The baseUrl can be custom for testing purposes but we recommend using the sandbox base url during development.

After initialization, you can get instances of offered services as follows:

  • Tokens : var TokenService = K2.TokenService
  • Webhooks : var Webhooks = K2.Webhooks
  • STK PUSH : var StkService = K2.StkService
  • Pay : var PayService = K2.PayService
  • Transfer : var TransferService = K2.TransferService
  • Polling : var PollingService = K2.PollingService
  • Transaction Sms Notification : var SmsNotificationService = K2.SmsNotificationService


The package needs to be configured with your kopokopo's clientId and Secret Key, which you can get from the kopokopo application.


To send any requests to Kopokopo's API you'll need an access token

const TokenService = K2.TokenService

    .then(response => {
        //Developer can decide to store the token_details and track expiry
        console.log("Access token is: " + response.access_token)
    .catch( error => {


  • Consuming
const Webhooks = K2.Webhooks

//Router or whatever server you are using'/customercreated', function(req, res, next){  
    // Send message and capture the response or error
        .webhookHandler(req, res)
        .then( response => {
        .catch( error => {
  • Subscription
const subscribeOptions = { 
    eventType: 'buygoods_transaction_received', 
    url: '', 
    accessToken: 'my_access_token',
    scope: 'till',
    scopeReference: '123456'

    .then( response => {
       console.log("The location url is: " + response) 
    .catch( error => {
  • To get the status of the webhook subscription
const statusOptions = { 
    location: '',
    accessToken: 'my_access_token'

    .then( response => {
		console.log("The status is: " + response) 
    .catch( error => {


const StkService = K2.StkService

var stkOptions = {
    tillNumber: K000000,
    firstName: 'Jane',
    lastName: 'Doe',
    phoneNumber: '+254712345678',
    email: '',
    currency: 'KES',
    amount: 20,
    callbackUrl: '',
	  paymentChannel => 'M-PESA STK Push',
    accessToken: 'my_access_token',

    //A maximum of 5 key value pairs
    metadata: {
		customerId: '123456789',
		reference: '123456',
		notes: 'Payment for invoice 123456'

  // Send message and capture the response or error

    .then( response => {     
    .catch( error => {

For other usage examples check out the example app.


The methods are asynchronous.

The only supported ISO currency code at the moment is: KES


  • TokenService.getToken() to get an access token.

    • The response will contain: token_type, expires_in, created_at and access_token

NB: The access token is required to send subsequent requests

  • TokenService.revokeToken({accessToken: 'my_access_token'}) to revoke an access token.

    • The response will be an empty body

NB: A revoked access token cannot be used on subsequent requests

  • TokenService.introspectToken({accessToken: 'my_access_token'}) to get introspect a token.

    • The response will contain: token_type, client_id, scope, active, exp(Expiry time) and iat(created at time)
  • TokenService.infoToken({accessToken: 'my_access_token'}) to get information on an access token.

    • The response will contain: scope, expires_in, application.uid, created_at


  • StkService.initiateIncomingPayment({ stkOptions }): stkOptions: A hash of objects containing the following keys:

    • tillNumber: Your online payments till number from Kopo Kopo's Dashboard REQUIRED
    • firstName: Customer's first name
    • lastName: Customer's last name
    • phoneNumber: Phone number to pull money from. REQUIRED
    • email: Subscriber's email address
    • currency: 3-digit ISO format currency code. REQUIRED
    • amount: Amount to charge. REQUIRED
    • callbackUrl: Url that the result will be posted to REQUIRED
    • paymentChannel: Payment channel. Default is: "M-PESA STK Push". REQUIRED
    • accessToken: Gotten from the TokenService response REQUIRED
    • metadata: It is a hash containing a maximum of 5 key value pairs
  • StkService.getStatus({ statusOpts }): statusOpts: A hash of objects containing the following keys:

    • location: The location url you got from the request REQUIRED
    • accessToken: Gotten from the TokenService response REQUIRED

This works the same for all requests that you get a location response.

For more information, please read


  • PayService.addPayRecipient({ payRecipientOptions }): payRecipientOptions: A hash of objects containing the following keys:

    • type: Recipient type REQUIRED
    • Mobile Wallet Recipient(mobile_wallet)
      • firstName: Pay recipient's first name REQUIRED
      • lastName: Pay recipient's last name REQUIRED
      • phoneNumber: Pay recipient's phone number REQUIRED
      • email: Pay recipient's email address
      • network: Pay recipient's network REQUIRED
    • Bank Account Recipient(bank_account)
      • accountName: Pay recipient's account name REQUIRED
      • accountNumber: Pay recipient's account number REQUIRED
      • bankBranchRef: Bank branch reference from the kopokopo dashboard REQUIRED
      • settlementMethod: Settlement Method REQUIRED
    • External Till Recipient(till)
      • tillNumber: Pay recipient's till number REQUIRED
      • tillName: Pay recipient's till name REQUIRED
    • Paybill Recipient(paybill)
      • paybillName: Paybill name REQUIRED
      • paybillNumber: Paybill number REQUIRED
      • paybillAccountNumber: Paybill account number REQUIRED
    • accessToken: Gotten from the TokenService response REQUIRED
  • PayService.sendPay({ payOptions }): payOptions: A hash of objects containing the following keys:

    • destinationType: The destination type REQUIRED
    • destinationReference: The destination reference REQUIRED
    • currency: 3-digit ISO format currency code. REQUIRED
    • amount: Amount to charge. REQUIRED
    • description: Payment description. REQUIRED
    • category: Payment category.
    • tags: Tags relevant to the payment. The tags should be comma separated.
    • callbackUrl: Url that the result will be posted to REQUIRED
    • accessToken: Gotten from the TokenService response REQUIRED
    • metadata: It is a hash containing a maximum of 5 key value pairs
  • PayService.getStatus({ statusOpts }): statusOpts: A hash of objects containing the following keys:

    • location: The location url you got from the request REQUIRED
    • accessToken: Gotten from the TokenService response REQUIRED

This works the same for all requests that you get a location response.

For more information, please read


  • TransferService.createMerchantBankAccount({ accountOpts }): accountOpts: A hash of objects containing the following keys:

    • accountName: Settlement Account Name REQUIRED
    • settlementMethod: Settlement Method REQUIRED
    • bankBranchRef: Settlement Bank Branch Reference REQUIRED
    • accountNumber: Settlement account number REQUIRED
    • accessToken: Gotten from the TokenService response REQUIRED
  • TransferService.createMerchantWallet({ accountOpts }): accountOpts: A hash of objects containing the following keys:

    • phoneNumber: Phone number to settle to REQUIRED
    • network: Network REQUIRED
    • accessToken: Gotten from the TokenService response REQUIRED
  • TransferService.settleFunds({ settleOpts }): settleOpts: A hash of objects containing the following keys:

    • destinationType: The destination type REQUIRED FOR A TARGETED TRANSFER
    • destinationReference: The destination reference REQUIRED FOR A TARGETED TRANSFER
    • currency: 3-digit ISO format currency code. REQUIRED FOR A TARGETED TRANSFER
    • amount: Amount to charge. REQUIRED FOR A TARGETED TRANSFER
    • callbackUrl: Url that the result will be posted to REQUIRED
    • accessToken: Gotten from the TokenService response REQUIRED
  • TransferService.getStatus({ statusOpts }): statusOpts: A hash of objects containing the following keys:

    • location: The location url you got from the request REQUIRED
    • accessToken: Gotten from the TokenService response REQUIRED

This works the same for all requests that you get a location response.

For more information, please read


  • PollingService.pollTransactions({ pollingOpts }): pollingOpts: A hash of objects containing the following keys:

    • fromTime: The starting time of the polling request
    • toTime: The end time of the polling request
    • scope: The scope of the polling request
    • scopeReference: The scope reference REQUIRED for the 'Till' scope
    • callbackUrl: Url that the result will be posted to REQUIRED
    • accessToken: Gotten from the TokenService response REQUIRED
  • PollingService.getStatus({ statusOpts }): statusOpts: A hash of objects containing the following keys:

    • location: The location url you got from the request REQUIRED
    • accessToken: Gotten from the TokenService response REQUIRED

This works the same for all requests that you get a location response.

For more information, please read


  • SmsNotificationService.sendTransactionSmsNotification({ transactionNotificationOpts }): transactionNotificationOpts: A hash of objects containing the following keys:

    • webhookEventReference: The webhook event reference for a buygoods_transaction_received webhook.
    • message: The message to be sent
    • callbackUrl: Url that the result will be posted to REQUIRED
    • accessToken: Gotten from the TokenService response REQUIRED
  • SmsNotificationService.getStatus({ statusOpts }): statusOpts: A hash of objects containing the following keys:

    • location: The location url you got from the request REQUIRED
    • accessToken: Gotten from the TokenService response REQUIRED

This works the same for all requests that you get a location response.

For more information, please read

Responses and Results

  • All the post requests are asynchronous apart from TokenService. This means that the result will be posted to your custom callback url when the request is complete. The immediate response of the post requests contain the location url of the request you have sent which you can use to query the status.

Note: The asynchronous results are processed like webhooks.


Nicollet Njora


We welcome those with open arms just make a pull request and we will review.


Run all tests:

$ npm install
$ npm test

Generate Docs:

$ ./node_modules/.bin/jsdoc lib -d docs


If you find a bug, please file an issue on our issue tracker on GitHub.


k2-connect-node is MIT licensed. See LICENSE for details.

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