This repo contains the complete Internet of Things (IoT) application built while working through Twilio’s tutorials:
- Get Started with Super SIM and Raspberry Pi Pico: Data Communications
- Source code
- Beeceptor — this example requires a Beeceptor endpoint URL, or similar.
- Get Started with Super SIM and Raspberry Pi Pico: SMS Commands
- Get Started with Super SIM and Raspberry Pi Pico: IP Commands
Use it either to save cutting and pasting code while following the guides mentioned above, or as the basis for your own MicroPython IoT application.
Please see the first guide for installation instructions.
and HT16K33Segment
code © 2021, Tony Smith (@smittytone), used with permission. Licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
All other code © 2022, Twilio. Licensed under the terms of the MIT license.