Hi there 👋, I'm koslambrou, a Haskeller, Nix contributor and free software enthusiast from Quebec.
Currently working full-time as a Software Engineer at IO Global and part time as a Linked Open Data Engineer at Cinémathèque québécoise.
@prefix gh: <https://github.com/> .
@prefix foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/spec/> .
@prefix db: <https://dbpedia.org/resource/> .
@prefix dbo: <https://dbpedia.org/ontology/> .
gh:koslambrou a foaf:Person ;
dbo:language db:Haskell_(programming_language) ;
dbo:language db:Python_(programming_language) ;
dbo:language db:Javascript ;
dbo:language db:Nix_package_manager ;
# Semantic web technologies
dbo:language db:Resource_Description_Framework ;
dbo:language db:SPARQL ;
dbo:language db:SHACL ;
dbo:language db:Web_Ontology_Language ;
gh:tool db:React_(JavaScript_library) ;
gh:tool db:Redux_(JavaScript_library) ;
gh:tool db:Node.js ;
gh:tool db:Express.js ;
gh:tool db:Apache_Spark ;
gh:os db:NixOS ;
gh:os db:Debian ;
gh:realisation "http://data.cinematheque.qc.ca" ;
gh:realisation "http://data.cinematheque.qc.ca/dataviz/polyscc" ;
gh:realisation "https://www.antoinebeland.com/inf8808" ;
See my Gitlab account for other projects I'm contributing.