In this project we will deploy a Stateful app (Social-Network) built with Spring Boot, MySql, and React on Kubernetes. We’ll use a local minikube cluster to deploy the application.
The project contains three deployment files:
- mysql-deployment.yaml - deploys the MySql-database
- social-network-server.yaml - deploys the server of the app
- social-network-client.yaml - deploys the client of the app
Install kubectl
Install minikube
In order to be able to save
you should sign up to Cloudinary
$ minikube start
Create the secrets manually:
$ kubectl create secret generic mysql-root-pass --from-literal=password=root
$ kubectl create secret generic mysql-user-pass --from-literal=username=root --from-literal=password=root
$ kubectl create secret generic mysql-db-url --from-literal=database=social_network --from-literal=url="jdbc:mysql://social-network-mysql:3306/social_network?useSSL=false&createDatabaseIfNotExist=true&serverTimezone=UTC"
$ kubectl create secret generic cloudinary-credentials --from-literal=cloud-name=<enter_your_cloud_name> --from-literal=api-key=<enter_your_api_key> --from-literal=api-secret=<enter_your_api_secret>
Get all secrets:
$ kubectl get secrets
Get more information about a secret:
$ kubectl describe secrets mysql-user-pass
To deploy the database type:
$ kubectl apply -f deployments/mysql-deployment.yaml
You can check all the resources created in the cluster using the following commands:
$ kubectl get persistentvolumes
$ kubectl get persistentvolumeclaims
$ kubectl get services
$ kubectl get deployments
You can get the MySQL pod and use kubectl exec
command to login to the Pod
$ kubectl get pods
social-network-app-mysql-67cf984757-9pjs6 1/1 Running 0 6m1s
$ kubectl exec -it social-network-app-mysql-67cf984757-9pjs6 -- /bin/bash
Apply the manifest file to create the resources:
$ kubectl apply -f deployments/social-network-server.yaml
You can check the created Pods like this:
$ kubectl get pods
social-network-app-mysql-67cf984757-9pjs6 1/1 Running 0 31m
social-network-server-756dc94cf6-b2ghs 1/1 Running 0 111s
Apply the manifest file to deploy the frontend:
$ kubectl apply -f deployments/social-network-client.yaml
You need to map localhost:8000
to port 8000
on the backend service:
kubectl port-forward service/social-network-server 8000:8000
Type the following command to open the frontend service in the default browser:
minikube service social-network-client
- Home Page
- Friends Page
- Photos Page