Unfortunately, due to changes in the Songkick API, this project is defunct and archived.
Consa allows users to find concerts in their area for artists based on their musical interests. Authorize your Spotify account, and Consa will determine your musical interests from your account’s top artists and find more related artists using the Spotify API. No Spotify account? No problem! If you don’t want to use your top Spotify artists, you can choose specific artists to use as starting points for your concert search instead. Consa will then use the Songkick API to search for upcoming concerts for these artists in your selected metropolitan area. Registered users can save the concerts they are interested in attending and keep track of them on their profile where they can also view the concert’s location using the Google Maps API.
Consa was created by Kiko Otutuloro as their final project at Hackbright Academy. Check Kiko out on LinkedIn!
Tech Stack: Python, Flask, SQLAlchemy, PostgreSQL, Jinja, Javascript, jQuery, Bootstrap
APIs Used: Spotify, Songkick, Google Maps