One Button Recording with Buffer, with Raspberry/PatchboxOS and Pisound.
Tap The Button once to record the past 3 minutes, tap again to stop
- Wrapper for Pisound Button
- Handles starting and stopping of recording
- Blinks the led during recording
- recording.service: SystemD unit for recording
- Uses /home/patch/Music/ directory
- jack_capture timemachine/osc daemon logic
- captures 180 seconds (3 minutes) of buffer before you pushed the button (configurable, if you change
--tmpb 180
in the service file)
- Install (see below)
- Press button to start recording, including the past 3 minutes, led starts blinking
- Press button to stop recording, blinking intensivies when done
- View files in /home/patch/Music/
watch systemctl status recording.service
journalctl -f -u recording.service
- Patchbox OS (Tested with Debian 12 (bookworm))
- Raspberry Pi (Tested with 5 - 8GB)
- Pisound, optionally with case
sudo apt install jack_capture liblo-tools
sudo make install
sudo sed -i 's:^\(CLICK_1[[:space:]]\+\).*$:\1/usr/local/pisound/scripts/pisound-btn/' /etc/pisound.conf
or edit /etc/pisound.conf manually to contain:
CLICK_1 /usr/local/pisound/scripts/pisound-btn/`
sudo make remove
Original made by strobeflash & Giedrius, for PatchboxOS/Pisound