- React
- React Router DOM
- React Player
- Firebase Authentication
- Firebase Realtime Database
- Netlify
- Users can create an account on this site.
- Users can participate in quizzes.
- Users can select multiple answers.
- Users can move forward to the next quizzes by clicking the button “NEXT QUESTION -->”.
- There is a mini-player in the bottom-right corner of the site. Users can click the play button to watch and listen to music while participating in quizzes.
- Users can go back to previous quizzes by clicking “<--” for correction.
- Users can see the score in percentage in the progress bar.
- When the user completes all quizzes and presses the “SUBMIT QUIZ” button h/she will get the final score in numbers with a random picture depending on the score.And the score will be displayed in a separate dashboard.
- Users can be able to see the correct answers in green and the wrong answers in red color.
- At last, users can log out from the site.