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Releases: kovzol/bibref


06 Mar 19:31
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This release is a major update.

  • It adds the Edit/Preferences menu with an option to change the font size in the application.
  • There is a new menu option in the Statement Editor, in the Prove menu: Analyze. It shows the full statement analysis, including info, warning, error and debug messages, and with some explanations for the warnings and errors when hovering the message. Also, the code related to the comments can be highlighted in the Statement Editor by clicking the right arrow in the table.
  • The Statement Editor shows the row and column number of the current position of the cursor.

Known bug:

  • Col numbers in the Analyze window may be inaccurate when Greek texts are involved.

You can download bibref for the following platforms:

  • Windows installer and zip.
  • MacOS disk image.
  • Linux users can soon use the Flathub app or install the released flatpak file directly. Important: You need to remove the folder ~/.var/app/io.github.kovzol.bibref/data/bibref-addbooks-cache manually before or after updating to the newest version, otherwise the database will be corrupted and the deuterocanonical books cannot be used, either. Sorry for the inconvenience. (This folder will be recreated by the program on startup automatically with the correct contents, if the folder is not present.)

The program can be used online in the following versions:


04 Feb 18:06
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This release is a major update by using the "new" SWORD LXX module 3.0. This comes with some substantial changes: certain verses have different numberings (the versification differs at certain places, e.g., for most Psalms there is a shift in both the chapter and the verse numbers). This has implications in the statement database entries which have been carefully updated accordingly.

Also, some deuterocanonical books are now available, all that are supported in the new LXX module. Since there are no (known) quotations from the New Testament to any deuterocanonical books, they are still not allowed in the BRST syntax to be given as sources for any quotation.

The macOS version has been significantly improved. The former version did not contain any SWORD modules, so it was working only for those users who had a preinstalled version of SWORD. This has now been fixed.

  • Windows installer and zip.
  • MacOS disk image.
  • Linux users can soon use the Flathub app or install the released flatpak file directly. Important: You need to remove the folder ~/.var/app/io.github.kovzol.bibref/data/bibref-addbooks-cache manually before or after updating to the newest version, otherwise the database will be corrupted and the deuterocanonical books cannot be used, either. Sorry for the inconvenience. (This folder will be recreated by the program on startup automatically with the correct contents, if the folder is not present.)


22 Jan 15:58
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This release provides a macOS version, and allows the user to study the statements according to the StatResGNT edition. (The former version contained the database only for the SBLGNT edition.)


04 Jan 10:27
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This release adds further improvements to the Statement... option in the Quotation menu. (Before activating it, the Add Books option must be selected in the File menu.) It starts the Statement Editor which allows the user to edit a statement about a correspondence between the New Testament and the Old Testament. The statement must be written in a special language called BRST ("bibref statement"). Example statements are provided in the statements folder which can be loaded in the File menu with the option Open.


Syntax highlighting helps avoid minor issues in designing such statements. A full test of the validity of the statement can be performed in the Prove menu with the Parse option.


If the parsing step is successful (that is, no syntax error was found), a detailed test is performed with several other checks. They can be listed by clicking on Show Details.... If there is no error found in the detailed test (warnings are allowed), in most cases there is graphical output available by clicking on Visualize.


A quick introductory explanation of the BRST language and the visualized diagrams can be found in Zoltán Kovács's blog. In the newest version, a GraphViz export file can also be downloaded and immediately edited in an online version of GraphViz.

You can download version 2025Jan04 here:


01 Jan 17:10
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This release introduces the Statement... option in the Quotation menu. (Before activating it, the Add Books option must be selected in the File menu.) It starts the Statement Editor which allows the user to edit a statement about a correspondence between the New Testament and the Old Testament. The statement must be written in a special language called BRST ("bibref statement"). Example statements are provided in the statements folder which can be loaded in the File menu with the option Open.


Syntax highlighting helps avoid minor issues in designing such statements. A full test can be performed in the Prove menu with the Parse option.


If the parsing step is successful (that is, no syntax error was found), a detailed test is performed with several other checks. They can be listed by clicking on Show Details.... If there is no error found in the detailed test (warnings are allowed), in most cases there is graphical output available by clicking on Visualize.


A quick introductory explanation of the BRST language and the visualized diagrams can be found in Zoltán Kovács's blog, however, it is not up-to-date. Please stay tuned, some more details will be explained soon as a new blog entry.

The only available platform at the moment is Windows. You can download version 2025Jan01 here:

  • Windows installer and zip.
    Other platforms will be supported soon, please come back later.


31 Mar 16:05
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This release adds hints to command input dialogs and a link is provided to the web based terminal. Also, some minor UI improvements have been added. Available platforms:


16 Mar 20:29
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This release adds color support to the Qt graphical user interface. Available platforms:


06 Mar 18:29
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Qt interface
This release introduces a graphical user interface, based on Qt:

The user interface contains a Quick Tutorial. The application is available in English and Hungarian. The SWORD modules LXX (version 2.0), KJV, SBLGNT and StatResGNT are bundled in this version.


12 Jan 17:34
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This release supports embedding bibref in a web page. Extract the archive on a web server and point your browser to the extracted folder.
In this release the following Bible texts are bundled: KJV, LXX, SBLGNT. They are provided by the Sword project.