Moiveo is a modern movie application that allows users to explore popular movies and TV shows. The app uses data from TMDB API to display up-to-date information on the latest trends in the film industry. With an excellent UI, fast loading, and integration with top technologies, the app delivers an exceptional user experience.
- 📽️ Popular Movies: Browse trending movies.
- 🎬 TV Show Listings: Get information on the latest series.
- ⭐ Ratings and Views: View movie ratings and watch counts.
- 🔍 Search: Easily find your favorite movies and TV shows.
- 📱 Mobile Support: Responsive design for smartphones and tablets.
The project is built using modern technologies:
- React ⚛️ – for creating user interface components.
- TailwindCSS 🎨 – for styling and responsiveness.
- TMDB API 🎥 – for retrieving movie data.
- Redux Toolkit 🛠️ – for state management.
- Vercel 🚀 – for application deployment.