Alexa Skill Kit in Python
# install this package from pip
pip install alexa-skill-kit
Simple example:
# your
from alexa_skill_kit import AlexaSkillKit
ask = AlexaSkillKit()
def launch():
return ask.success(message='Thank you for enabling my skill! You can say this and that.')
def intent():
return ask.success(message='I got it!', card_title='Card title shows up on Alexa app', card_content='content')
def help():
return ask.success(message='some help message', message_reprompt='This message will play again after a while')
def session_ended():
return ask.success(message='good bye!')
def stop():
return ask.success(message='good bye!')
def main(event, context):
# This is the main entry of your Lambda function
if ask.launch():
return launch()
elif ask.intent():
return intent()
elif ask.session_ended():
return session_ended()
return help()
elif ask.stop() or ask.cancel():
return stop()
if __name__ == '__main__':
# fake event for local development. Look into tests/data/*.json for fake json files
event = {}
main(event=event, context={})
Advanced example:
Set the environment key: ASK_VERIFY=True
Deploy using SAM (
# install Pipenv
pip install --upgrade pipenv
# activate shell
pipenv shell --three
# install packages
pipenv install
# run tests make sure everything is working