This is a browser game which was made with OOP approach and which has a lot of interesting features to improve user experience. Try this app live on GitHub Pages here.
Below you can see a pseudo-schema which shows how classes and objects interact:
In this application i've implemented:
- Unit movement logic from scratch
- DnD functionality. Player can use Drag & Drop mechanic to move his units or he can manually select them and choose where to go by clicking on the preferred square
- Squares where user can go with selected unit are dynamically highlighted
- Movements log with timestamps at the sidebar and "whose turn now" indicator
- Modals with win messages and game rules, smooth animations
When user enters the app for the first time he will see this message with game rules:
This is the main screen of the game:
And this is how it will look like after you've played the game a little bit:
Win message:
- React + TypeScript
- Auto-animate