Moonlight.3 (5.3.0-beta.0)
This release adds better support for mts960 thermostat/plug thanks to the great contribution from @bernardpe (#449). There's still a lot to be done in order to better support cycle/timer modes but it definitely brings a more consistent behavior for this device.
- improved support for mts960
- minor optimizations in tracing/diagnostics
- thermostats (any mts-like device) now enter 'manual' mode when the target temperature is set via UI or service call (#401)
- adjusted the command format for 'toggles' trying to fix some mss110-mss210 'not switching' behavior (#456). This adjustement impacts any kind of switch though (any device from the mss product line)
- added obfuscation for "uuid" carried in "from" field in Meross payloads
- missing sensor value translation for thermostats ("warning" sensors in mts200-mts960)