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A k6 extension that enables LDAP operations within k6 scripts. It is mostly a wrapper around the golang ldap.v3 package.


LDAP Operations

  • BIND
  • Search
  • Add entry
  • Delete entry


  • Escape search filter

Not implemented (yet)

  • LDAP Modify
  • operation controls


To use this extension, you'll need to build k6 with the extension enabled. Follow these steps:

  1. Install xk6
  2. Build k6 with the extension using xk6:
xk6 build --with


import ldap from 'k6/x/ldap';

export default function () {
  // Create LDAP connection using an LDAP URL
  const conn = ldap.dialURL('ldaps://your-ldap-server:636');

  try {
    // Bind to LDAP server
    conn.bind('cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com', 'admin_password');

    // Perform a search
    const searchRequest = {
        filter: '(objectClass=person)', // Search Filter
        baseDn: 'dc=example,dc=org', // Base DN
        attributes: ['cn', 'mail'], // [] for all attributes
        scope: 'WholeSubtree', // options: BaseObject, SingleLevel, WholeSubtree
        sizeLimit: 0, // 0 for no limit
        timeLimit: 0, // (seconds) 0 for not limit
        derefAliases: 0,
        typesOnly: false

    const result =;
  } finally {

See also examples/example.js

Note about connection management

With k6's lifecycle management, there is currently no good way to share a connection accross multiple VUs.

You can open the connecion in the init scope, and the connection will be shared:

const conn = ldap.dialURL('ldaps://your-server')

export default function () {

but keep in mind that:

  • k6 may run the init scope multiple times, opening multiple connections
  • there is no way to close all connection handles at the end of the test run

Another option is to open a connection per VU:

export default function () {
    let conn
    try {
        conn = ldap.dialURL('ldaps://your-server')
    } finally {
  • this allows the connection to be consistently closed.
  • this may be limited by the number of concurrent connections your LDAP server can handle


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.


This project is open-source. Please ensure you check the license terms before using it.

See Also

API Reference

Module Import

import ldap from 'k6/x/ldap'

LDAP Module Methods

dialURL(address: string)

Establishes a connection to an LDAP server.


  • address (string): LDAP URL in the format ldap://host:port
  • dialOpts (object, optional):
    • insecureSkipTlsVerify (boolean): controls whether the server's TLS certificate chain and hostname is validated. DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION


  • Connection object

escapeFilter(filter: string)

Escapes special characters in LDAP filter strings to prevent injection.


  • filter (string): LDAP filter string to escape


  • Escaped filter string

Connection Methods

bind(username: string, password: string)

Authenticates the connection with the LDAP server.


  • username (string): DN of the user to authenticate as
  • password (string): Password for authentication

search(options: object)

Performs an LDAP search operation.


  • options (object):
    • filter (string, optional): LDAP search filter. Default: "*"
    • baseDn (string, optional): Base DN for search. Default: ""
    • attributes (string[], optional): Attributes to return. Default: []
    • scope (string, optional): Search scope. Default: "WholeSubtree"
      • Valid values: "BaseObject", "SingleLevel", "WholeSubtree"
    • sizeLimit (number, optional): Maximum entries to return. Default: 0 (unlimited)
    • timeLimit (number, optional): Search time limit in seconds. Default: 0 (unlimited)
    • derefAliases (number, optional): Alias dereferencing option. Default: 0
    • typesOnly (boolean, optional): Return attribute names only. Default: false


  • Search result object containing matching entries

add(dn: string, attributes: string)

Adds a new entry to the LDAP directory.


  • dn (string): Distinguished Name for the new entry
  • attributes (object): Map of attribute names to arrays of values

del(dn: string)

Deletes an entry from the LDAP directory.


  • dn (string): Distinguished Name of the entry to delete


Closes the LDAP connection and releases resources.