✨✨✨This is a website with fully custumized 3-D T-Shirt modal to custumize our own T-Shirt.
🔥🔥This Project is inspired from @javascriptmastery youtube channel.
- Color of T-shirt
- Logo on T-shirt
- Texture of T-shirt
- Vite-React
- @react-three/drei (Lighting and environment)
- @react-three/fiber(Canvas ,useFramer)
- framer-motion
- maath
- three.js(3-D modal)
- valtio(For maintaing State)
Changes the color of T-Shirt model
To pick image from computer to use as Logo or Texture of T-Shirt model
Asks AI to generate Logo or Texture of T-Shirt model
- Node
- Express
- cors
- OpenAi
- mongoose
- cloudinary
- dotenv
- nodemon
- render.com