DHCPV6 Library in Java
To build: Download code and execute mvn clean package
Does it work?
Yes. I have used it to to successfuly acquire/renew IPv6 using DHCPV6 following http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3315
Why is there no activity?
Because I am not always working on this. Its just a library, there are other things to do in life.
Is there any sample program?
There is a sample program included. This prgram dumps DHCPv6 messages from given pcap file. Please execute
mvn -f pom2.xml package
to build it. and
mvn -f pom2.xml exec:java -Dexec.args="path to pacp file.pcap"
To execute it.
The library is missing so-and-so option, why is that so?
Because I do not know anything about it. If you send me the format and I have spare time I will add it or you are welcome to add it.
I have found a bug, can you fix it? Send me an email about it, I will look at it.