EPA Events Report R Scripts used to generate figures and tables. This includes all fieldwork and observed storm summaries including rainfall, discharge, suspended sediment, geologic mapping, and trap efficiency.
This repository contains all of the R scripts used to generate figures and tables in the EPA Events Report.
Associated data files used in each script can be found in the repository: EPA_Events_Report_TJ_LLCW_Data.
Associated ArcMap files can be found in the repository: EPA_Events_Report_TJ_LLCW_GIS_Maps.
ArcMap.mxd files are saved as map package which means that all associated spatial data can be downloaded with the .mxd file in the map package.
Notes: Download both data and script repositories and save as separate folders, located in one GitHub main folder. All scripts contain relative paths to the working directoy, sourcing to other scripts, etc. It is important that both script and data folders are saved in one main folder for relative paths to work correctly.