Releases: krptn/krypton
This release fixes an issue with the Django middleware that prevented it from working. It is to do with a type castings.
This release unfortunately had to be recreated because a bug in the CI/CD pipeline prevented the wheels from being uploaded to PyPI.
This release includes a new API to set data with lower security levels. It also includes significant database improvements to prevent, and to help the detection of, bugs (e.g.: explicitly adding unique constraints on certain fields).
Documentation will be updated shortly with the new API.
Hello all!
This review contains significant improvements to Krptn. We were very lucky to get a review for the code, and in this release, many of the problems are fixed.
Also, any data encrypted with a prior release will not be usable with this version. As this is a pre-release, we do not have a tool to re-encrypt the data such that it would work with this version. In proper production ready releases, this tool will be made.