Zopy is a library for make more easy the way you connect to Zoho CRM Api.
Zopy will provide some functions similar to Api REST queries. The library is in develop yet, feel free to send a pull request.
Install using pip
pip install zopy or easy_install zopy
First we have to declarate zopy
from zopy.crm import CRM
authToken = ""
crm = CRM(authToken=authToken,scope="ZohoCRM/crmapi")
#Search some rows
crm_search = crm.searchRecords(module="CustomModule3", criteria={"Correo Electronico":"dhararon@hotmail.com"})
print crm_search.result.CustomModule3.row.FL.custommodule3_id
####Note: All inputs in zoho will be convert to low string and space will be convert to underscore
#Insert a row
crm_insert = crm.insertRecords(module="CustomModule3", xmlData=[data], version=2, duplicateCheck=1)
print crm_insert.result.recorddetail.FL.id
####Note: All params was sended to CRM, form example duplicateCheck=1 don't change an existing formulary, and duplicateCheck=2 update all data in an existing formulary. For more information read https://www.zoho.com/crm/help/api/insertrecords.html