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Previews are capped to around 16 fps, and the Demonstration theme made them even more laggier.
I will try to optimize the theme when I have more time on my hand, however the code is currently a mess (I am not keen to do a full rewrite).
1- With QuickCSS (or any CSS editors from your client):
@import url("");
2- With the raw link (for use with Vencord's online theme, or any other online import using raw links):
3- Save as a css file:
Save this link as a file and you'll get a .css file ready to be used:
:root {
--avatar-wrapper-background: /*YOUR OWN IMAGE*/;
--avatar-wrapper-background-size: 216px;
--app-background: transparent;
/* change to var(--color-bg-dark2) for dark mode, or var(--color-bg-light2) for light mode, to remove transparency*/
--color-bg-light1: #eee8df;
--color-bg-light2: #dad5cf;
--color-border-light: #242322;
--color-panel-light: #dad5cfb0;
--color-bg-dark1: #1a1a1d;
--color-bg-dark2: #222228;
--color-border-dark: #c0c0c0;
--color-panel-dark: #222228b0;
--color-accent-button: #6823ae65;
--color-accent-button-hover: #460f7d80;
--color-channel-icon: #6823ae;
Check below for more details.
It respects Discord's banners' size (600x240px). I tried to make it fit the wrapper, so custom sizes might be jamky.
:root {
--avatar-wrapper-background: /*YOUR OWN IMAGE*/;
--avatar-wrapper-background-size: 216px;
Transparency is enabled by default (for Vencord, you have to enable "window transparency" in its settings, for other clients, I sadly do not know how to do so, so check for a setting mentioning transparency).
To disable the effect, just change the value in the :root part:
:root {
/* change to #222228 for dark mode, or #dad5cf for light mode, to remove transparency*/