This dashboard consists of a collection of interactive visualisations based on the personal study data collected during the academic year 2020/2021.
The entire dashboard has been implemented using Python, Plotly and Dash.
The school year included 12 different subjects, each identified by a code. The table below explains what each code represents.
Code | Subject (English) | Subject (Croatian) |
PPJ | Programming Language Translation | Prevođenje programskih jezika |
PI | Software Engineering | Programsko inženjerstvo |
BA_PROJECT | Bachelor Project | Projekt R |
SAP | Statistical Data Analysis | Statistička analiza podataka |
OPRPP1 | Selected Topics in Software Development 1 | Odabrana poglavlja razvoja programske potpore 1 |
INZEKO1 | Engineering Economics 1 | Inženjerska ekonomika 1 |
Code | Subject (English) | Subject (Croatian) |
SRS | Computer Security | Sigurnost računalnih sustava |
UUI | Introduction to Artificial Intelligence | Uvod u umjetnu inteligenciju |
BA_THESIS | Bachelor Thesis | Završni rad |
BIOINF1 | Bioinformatics 1 | Bioinformatika 1 |
OOUP | Design Patterns | Oblikovni obrasci u programiranju |
IUT | Innovation and Technology Management | Inovacije i upravljanje tehnologijom |
Below are the data visualisations that comprise this dashboard.
The first visualisation is a simple bar chart comparing the total time spent on each subject.
Each subject is attributed a specific number of ECTS points, roughly indicating the anticipated hours a student should dedicate to it for passing. The following visualisation illustrate the actual time invested in each subject compared to the projected time derived from the ECTS points.
The activity pie chart illustrates the breakdown of activities for individual subjects. Below is an example depicting the activity pie for OPRPP1.
The academic calendar is a heatmap highlighting days characterised by varying levels of academic activities, ranging from high to low.