Softdocs Javascript Functions Library
To add this function library to your form, add the following line to the "define" array at the beginning of your viewmodel.js file
Use the selected formatting options on the form
Run inside the vm.afterLoad() block
ksu.format(['noautocomplete', 'moneycommas', 'emailksu', 'hidedisabledbuttons', 'dropdownarrows']);
noautocomplete prevents form suggestion
moneycommas formats money fields (text) to use commas
emailksu formats email address fields (text) marked with a "maskemail" class as
hidedisabledbuttons buttons will automatically become hidden when disabled, and then automatically become visible again when they are enabled
dropdownarrows add drop-down arrows to input fields with an autocomplete data-bind
Shows a loading message immediately as the form begins to load.
Run in the vm.viewmodel() block
Hides the loading message after the form has finished loading.
Run in the vm.afterLoad() block
Returns unique values from a text array
var arr = ksu.uniqueTxtArray(arr);
Returns unique objects from an object array (also works for a text array)
var arr = ksu.uniqueObjArray(arr);