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Lead Through mode

Yoshua Nava edited this page Mar 5, 2018 · 2 revisions

There is an experimental way to enable Lead-Through while you use EGM. It must be noted that it doesn't work all the time, because it is more of a hack than a standard procedure.

To enable lead-through on your YuMi, do the following:

  1. Put the robot in AUTO mode, with motors turned ON.
  2. Run the EGM nodes on your computer.
  3. Once the robot starts (the brakes usually make a "click" sound when this happens), change from AUTO to MANUAL mode in the FlexPendant.
  4. Again on the FlexPendant, open the main menu and click Jogging. Then, for each arm click on the option "Enable Lead Through"

If everything went well, you should be able to move YuMi's arms without the RWS/EGM connection being lost. Hence, all the joint states should be recordable.

NOTE Be very careful when you enable lead through. If your robot is carrying any object, its arms will fall. Also, don't move the arms too fast, or you'll get Motion supervision triggered.

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