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Trustfull Electronic Voting Demonstrator


clone the repositories and build docker images

git clone
cd evoting-demonstrator

Expected project directory hierarchy:

├── .envrc
├── docker-tevdcompile/
├── docker-xenial-arm-gnueabi-gcc4.7/
├── documentation/
├── evoting-demonstrator/
├── hypervisor/
├── hypervisor-cakeml/
├── lib -> hypervisor-cakeml/lib
├── linux-5.15.13/
└── sources/
# download and import pre-compiled docker images
# Precompiled images are available on request.
docker load --input tevdcompile.tar.gz
docker load --input xenialarm-gcc-4.7.tar.gz

# alternatively build docker images (several hours)
docker build -t tevdcompile docker-tevdcompile/
# alternatively build docker images (several minutes)
docker build -t xenialarmgnueabigcc4.7 docker-xenial-arm-gnueabi-gcc4.7/

enter the docker compile container

At the root of the hypervisor-total checkout enter docker:

docker run --rm --network host -v "$(pwd)":/usr/src/myapp -w /usr/src/myapp -it tevdcompile /bin/bash

in tevdcompile docker

. .envrc
# check environment variables
env | grep '/usr/src/\|/var/'

# download and build dependencies
make -C $HYP_ROOT/lib cake64 cake32
make -C $HYP_ROOT buildroot-2021.02.8

# expected to fail with `ERROR: vfat(boot.vfat): could not setup MLO`
make -C $HYP_ROOT buildroot-2021.02.8/output/host/bin/arm-linux-gcc

# variant 1) test program
make -C $HYP_ROOT TEST_rs=1 TEST_cml=1

# variant 2) tevd program
make -C $VCSDIR wolfssloutarm/lib/libwolfssl.a
# for full rust traces supply RUST_LINUX_DEBUG=1 to make:
make -C $VCSDIR/crosscompile
make -C $HYP_ROOT

# recompilation of the latter two variants may require `make clean` in the project root
make -C $HYP_ROOT clean

As files and directories created by docker are owned by root a recompilation outside of docker with the host machine's compilers will fail. Setting access rights prior a recompilation via

sudo chown $USER -R $HYP_ROOT

will solve these issues.

compile hypervisor

Compile hypervisor located at $HYP_ROOT/hypervisor/core/build/sth_beaglebone.fw.img together with the programs in another docker with a fixed gcc version

docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)/hypervisor":/usr/src/myapp -w /usr/src/myapp -it xenialarmgnueabigcc4.7 make

Once instantiated run:

. .envrc
# compile test programs:
make TEST_cml=1 TEST_rs=1
# compile mix of test and real programs:
make TEST_cml=1
# compile real programs:

Build preparations

  • Enable docker image with gcc 4.7 for hypervisor comilation
    docker build -t xenialarmgnueabigcc4.7 docker-xenial-arm-gnueabi-gcc4.7/
  • Run make deps to download
    • CakeML compiler for 32-bit and 64-bit
    • buildroot 2021.02.8 make buildroot-2021.02.8/output/host/bin/arm-linux-gcc which is allowed to fail at executing post-image script support/scripts/

build dependencies

The below dependencies are pre-compiled in a docker image:

docker build -t tevdcompile docker-tevdcompile/
  • HOL4
  • GCC compilers
    • GCC compiler (tested with 9.4.0)
    • arm-none-eabi-gcc version 11.2-2022.02
    • Ubuntu dependencies
      sudo apt install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf binutils-arm-none-eabi \
        gcc-arm-none-eabi libnewlib-arm-none-eabi python3-serial \
        flex bison
  • Docker (may need systemctl start docker)
  • rustup with targets: rustup target add armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf
  • python3-serial for serial connection via instead of c-kermit and add your user to the group dailout (on ubuntu via sudo groupadd $USER dialout otherwise via sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER)
  • For the above docker import create group docker and add user to it to run sudo-less docker. On ubuntu
    sudo groupadd docker
    sudo adduser $USER docker
    newgrp - docker # or login again
    sudo systemctl enable --now  docker # start docker
    see docker documentation

build variables

The build dependencies are set as environment variables denoting paths, and used across all Makefiles. The file .envrc sets default values that are used in docker.

  • HYP_ROOT: checkout of this git repository
  • VCSDIR: checkout of the TEVD demonstrator repository
  • HOLDIR: checkout of HOL4 repository, e.g. commit fd366fde86123cf8d42ca2530fa10c15fbf14549
  • CAKEMLDIR: checkout of CakeML repository, matching the HOL4 version, e.g. commit 9c063a7d92cadb36c49a6e45856ae0db734dc9e5
  • TOOLCHAIN: path to Buildroot toolchain, e.g. $HYP_ROOT/output/host/bin/arm-buildroot-linux-uclibcgnueabihf-
  • CAKEDIR: path to directory holding cake64, cake32 and basis_ffi.c for the CakeML 64/32-bit compiler and the basis library, e.g. $HYP_ROOT/hypervisor-cakeml/lib

Running the demonstrator

The demonstrator is compiled to a bootable image at


that can be booted from a Beaglebone Black REV C board (BBB). The BBB fetches the bootable image over the network from a TFTP server on the host machine.

configure the host machine

The host machine needs to host a TFTP server on the proper network, that the BBB can access.

For networkmanager on linux the settings are as follows:

nmcli connection edit StaticNet
set ipv4.addresses
set ipv4.gateway
set ipv4.method manual
remove ipv4.dns
set connection.type ethernet
set never-default
activate enp0sxxxx

Install and configure the package tftp-hpa and set the file /etc/conf.d/tftpd to hold

TFTPD_ARGS="--secure $HYP_ROOT/hypervisor --create -v -v -v"

with the $HYP_ROOT variable expanded. Start the system service with systemctl start tftpd.

An alternative for the host TFTP server setup is the following approach for Ubuntu (which stems from the hypervisor instructions):

a) Install following packages:

	sudo apt-get install xinetd tftpd tftp

b)	Create /etc/xinetd.d/tftp and insert the following lines, where the path
	of server_args identifies the directory containing the files accessible
through tftp with path to project root being the path expansion of

	service tftp
	protocol        = udp
	port            = 69
	socket_type     = dgram
	wait            = yes
	user            = nobody
	server          = /usr/sbin/in.tftpd
	server_args     = <path to project root>/hypervisor
	disable         = no
	flags           = IPv4

d)	Restart the xinetd service.

sudo systemctl restart xinetd.service
	sudo /etc/init.d/xinetd stop or sudo service xinetd stop
	sudo /etc/init.d/xinetd start or sudo service xinetd start

configure the Beaglebone Black

Connect Beaglebone Black Connect the black cable of the serial-cable (connected to the PC) to the pin with the white dot next to it. Press the boot POWER switch button and insert usb power cable, and release when output is shown in screen. To power off, press the power button until the power led turns off, and remove the power cable while the led is turned off.

commands to run on Beaglebone Black within uboot

To boot the proper files, ensure that IP, file core/build/sth_beaglebone.fw.img and start address 0x80000000 are correctly set on the BBB.

setenv bootcmd "tftpboot 0x80000000;bootm 0x80000000"
setenv ipaddr
setenv bootcount 3
setenv serverip
bootd # to boot into the linux image over TFTP

connecting to the Beaglebone Black

Run the serial console via miniterm from python pyserial package in a tmux session enriched to store the log output upon exit with C-c.

make -C $HYP_ROOT runserial

Other miniterm shortcuts:

c-] exit program
C-T C-] send exit character to remote
C-T C-I show info
--- Toggles:
---    Ctrl+R  RTS   Ctrl+D  DTR   Ctrl+B  BREAK
---    Ctrl+E  echo  Ctrl+L  EOL

Log in to linux on BBB as root.

If networking is not enabled at startup, start networking on BBB Linux:


The demonstrator is the executable placed in the root, which is shown when hitting ls.