Exploit that works as PoC (infoleak the memory) for PS4 on 6.20 FW, patched on 6.50! (CVE-2018-4441)
- Kexploit is now fixed and updated to PoC exploit
- The HTML file is removed
- HTML is added (Now It Works)
- HTML doesn’t work beacause it is builded badly (Now removed in Patch 1)
- Don’t use the HTML with others device ( PCs, iDevice or Android ) use it only on 6.20 FW on PS4. If you use the HTML on others device nothing’s gonna happen, the exploit won’t run but the structure will run (Patch 2)
Contact me on (https://twitter.com/ktioszdev) or ktioszdev@gmail.com
The HTML is removed by Patch 1, i need help to re-build because there is an error “undefined”. If you are an expert or a developer please check this (https://mega.nz/#!3PgRkAJY!4Vs8H3apc0mi_lVpVwCg9k6FLjyLHW-hDEvGoITWFaE)