Releases: kube-logging/telemetry-controller
Releases · kube-logging/telemetry-controller
What's Changed
Features 🚀
- feat: artifact signing by @csatib02 in #117
- feat: upgrade renovate config by @csatib02 in #119
- feat(e2e): add additional persistence e2e test by @csatib02 in #126
- feat: enable excluding log collection from pods by @csatib02 in #133
- feat: add bytes connector by @OverOrion in #135
- feat: output visibility by @csatib02 in #137
Maintenance 🚧
- fix: renovate config by @csatib02 in #121
- fix: renovate regex by @csatib02 in #122
- fix: renovate vol3 by @csatib02 in #123
- chore: add renovate tags to makefile by @csatib02 in #124
- fix: mk deps by @csatib02 in #125
- chore: bump openobserve by @csatib02 in #127
- chore: let renovate detect vuln alerts by @csatib02 in #129
- Fix: confgen testing receivers/exporters by @OverOrion in #134
- fix: panic on log kv pairs by @csatib02 in #139
Documentation 📄
Dependency Updates ⬆️
- chore(deps): update all dependencies by @renovate in #118
- chore(config): migrate renovate config by @renovate in #120
- chore(deps): update module to v0.33.0 [security] by @renovate in #130
Full Changelog: 0.0.15...0.0.16
What's Changed
Features 🚀
- feat: make commonfields available by @csatib02 in #113
- feat: add persistence by @csatib02 in #115
- feat(e2e): persistence by @csatib02 in #116
Maintenance 🚧
- fix: rbac proxy deprecation by @csatib02 in #106
- chore: fix mismatched case in Dockerfile by @OverOrion in #107
- fix(deps): update module to v0.19.3 by @renovate in #108
- fix(deps): update all dependencies by @renovate in #109
- fix: select all log source namespaces by @csatib02 in #110
- fix: add before-update hook by @csatib02 in #111
- chore: remove chart tgz by @csatib02 in #114
Full Changelog: 0.0.13...0.0.15
What's Changed
Features 🚀
- feat(charts): create helm chart for telemetry controller by @kristofgyuracz in #83
- feat: add possibility to inject auth info from secrets by @kristofgyuracz in #85
- feat: enable tenant routing by @csatib02 in #86
- feat: deprecate ottl field in subs and bridges with condition by @csatib02 in #91
- feat: add config validation by @csatib02 in #93
- feat: batch processor by @csatib02 in #101
Maintenance 🚧
- chore(deps): update all dependencies by @renovate in #76
- Deprecate loki output, add OTLPHTTP by @kristofgyuracz in #84
- release: prepare for v0.112.0 by @csatib02 in #88
- fix: run e2e tests on feature images by @csatib02 in #89
- refactor: improve code structure by @csatib02 in #90
- fix: stabilize operator behaviour by @csatib02 in #92
- chore(CI): Use AWS ECR location for trivy DBs by @OverOrion in #94
- fix: operator stability part2 by @csatib02 in #96
- fix: various issues with API structs by @csatib02 in #102
- fix: add support for transform processor log-flattenning feature-gate by @csatib02 in #104
Documentation 📄
- Readme updates 241111 by @fekete-robert in #97
- Readme update fixes by @fekete-robert in #98
- Adds the Kubecon NA 2024 recording to the further info section by @fekete-robert in #100
- docs: add batch examples by @csatib02 in #103
Full Changelog: 0.0.12...v0.0.13
Full Changelog: 0.0.9...0.0.10
What's Changed
Other Changes
- update opentelemetry operator dependency in docs by @pepov in #81
- chore(api): rename OtelOutput type to Output by @kristofgyuracz in #82
Full Changelog: 0.0.8...0.0.9
What's Changed
Other Changes
- docs: update readme with logging-operator integration steps by @OverOrion in #73
- feat(output): add fluentforward output by @OverOrion in #65
- chore(deps): update all dependencies by @renovate in #61
- feat(otel col): use Axoflow image with bytes metrics by @OverOrion in #74
- chore(deps): update github/codeql-action action to v3.25.5 by @renovate in #75
- Update kustomization.yaml to prepare for release by @pepov in #77
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 0.0.5...0.0.6
What's Changed
Other Changes
- chore: update makefile and e2e script to handle macos by @kristofgyuracz in #69
- rename metrics by @kristofgyuracz in #71
- fix: install tagged image on kustomize install instead of latest by @kristofgyuracz in #70
- prepare for release by @kristofgyuracz in #72
Full Changelog: 0.0.4...0.0.5
What's Changed
Other Changes
- Configure Renovate by @renovate in #1
- chore(deps): update CI workflows to use Nodejs v20 by @OverOrion in #27
- chore(deps): update aquasecurity/trivy-action action to v0.19.0 by @renovate in #44
- fix(deps): update kubernetes packages to v0.29.3 by @renovate in #43
- chore(deps): update github/codeql-action action to v2.24.9 by @renovate in #47
- fix(deps): update digest to a685a6e by @renovate in #46
- chore(renovate): configure renovate by @OverOrion in #58
- chore(deps): update all dependencies by @renovate in #60
- chore(deps): update axoflow-otel-collector image to v0.97.0 by @OverOrion in #42
- Add
by @OverOrion in #39 - feat(metrics): exposed traffic metrics grouped by tenants, subscriptions, outputs by @kristofgyuracz in #64
- feat: add additional traffic metric labels by @kristofgyuracz in #67
- feat(conf gen): create dedicated receiver for each tenant by @OverOrion in #66
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 0.0.3...0.0.4
What's Changed
Other Changes
- feat(otel col distro): use axoflow-otel-collector by @OverOrion in #32
- Add blog link to by @fekete-robert in #35
- fix(controller): watch owned otelcollector CRs by @kristofgyuracz in #36
- feat: add envtest based integration test by @kristofgyuracz in #37
- feat: add tenant-all category to all resources, so we can use kubectl get telemetry-all by @kristofgyuracz in #38
- feat: refactor, and add possibility for multiple collectors on the same tenant by @kristofgyuracz in #40
- feat(exporters): working loki exporter by @kristofgyuracz in #41
New Contributors
- @fekete-robert made their first contribution in #35
Full Changelog: 0.0.2...0.0.3
What's Changed
Other Changes
- chore(deps): update go-yaml by @OverOrion in #29
- feat(ci): enable trivy scan results upload by @OverOrion in #28
- docs: replace make install/deploy with official image and kustomize by @kristofgyuracz in #31
- chore(deps): bump otelcol version by @OverOrion in #30
- feat: extract all labels from pods by @kristofgyuracz in #34
Full Changelog: 0.0.1...0.0.2