This is the repo for code that is related to Kubecost GCP marketplace offers.
See kubecost/ for more information.
# Clone the repo and create new branch
git clone
cd gcp-marketplace/kubecost/
git checkout -b v1.106.2
#Set up ENV
# Ensure Application CRD is installed first (error message from verify.log: strict decoding error: unknown field):
gcloud config set project kubecost1
gcloud auth configure-docker
gcloud container clusters get-credentials demo-cluster --zone us-central1-c --project guestbook-227502
export IMAGETAG=prod-1.107.1
export MPIMAGETAG='1.107.1'
export DEPLOYERTAG='1.107'
# Install MPDEV
# Clone images kubecost byol
skopeo copy -a docker://$IMAGETAG docker://$MPIMAGETAG
skopeo copy -a docker://$IMAGETAG docker://$DEPLOYERTAG
skopeo copy -a docker://$IMAGETAG docker://$MPIMAGETAG
skopeo copy -a docker://$IMAGETAG docker://$DEPLOYERTAG
skopeo copy -a docker:// docker://$MPIMAGETAG
skopeo copy -a docker:// docker://$DEPLOYERTAG
# Clone images kubecost ENT
skopeo copy -a docker://$IMAGETAG docker://$MPIMAGETAG
skopeo copy -a docker://$IMAGETAG docker://$DEPLOYERTAG
skopeo copy -a docker://$IMAGETAG docker://$MPIMAGETAG
skopeo copy -a docker://$IMAGETAG docker://$DEPLOYERTAG
skopeo copy -a docker:// docker://$MPIMAGETAG
skopeo copy -a docker:// docker://$DEPLOYERTAG
# Update the version:
## kubecost byol
cd gcp-marketplace/kubecost
Delete requirements.lock
Delete charts/cost-analyzer-previousversion.tgz
Update kubecost/templates/application.yaml
Update kubecost/requirements.yaml
Update kubecost/Chart.yaml
Update kubecost/Schema.yaml
Run the command below:
helm dependency build chart/kubecost
### Build Deployer image and push it into GCR (Multi-arch image is not supported for the deployer)
docker build -t$DEPLOYERTAG -f deployer/Dockerfile .
docker push$DEPLOYERTAG
### Verification command: - no longer works as of mpdev 0.4.0
mpdev verify$DEPLOYERTAG
### logs location
### test deployment - no longer works as of mpdev 0.4.0
mpdev install$DEPLOYERTAG --parameters='{"name": "kubecost-myname", "namespace": "myname}'
### Clean up
kubectl delete application kubecost -n kubecost
## kubecost enterprise
cd gcp-marketplace/kubecost_paid
Delete requirements.lock
Delete charts/cost-analyzer-previousversion.tgz
Update kubecost/templates/application.yaml
Update kubecost/requirements.yaml
Update kubecost/Chart.yaml
Update kubecost/Schema.yaml
Run the command below:
helm dependency build chart/kubecost
### Build Deployer image and push it into GCR (Multi-arch image is not supported for the deployer)
docker build -t$DEPLOYERTAG -f deployer/Dockerfile .
docker push$DEPLOYERTAG
### Verification command:
mpdev verify$DEPLOYERTAG
## logs location
### test deployment
mpdev install$DEPLOYERTAG --parameters='{"name": "kubecost-myuser", "namespace": "myuser"}'
### Clean up
kubectl delete application kubecost -n kubecost
### Following this process to update the listing:
### Producer portal
### If there are any issues or if you need support from GCP Marketplace, contacting them at:
### Push your changes to the repository once the new version is successfully approved and published
git push -u origin myuser/v1.100